Internships in Paramedic

Looking for more internships in Paramedic? Check out the most recent internship postings in Paramedic.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Paramedic. You can also look at entry level jobs in Paramedic.

Remote Medical International Logo

Despite how much complaining goes on about the state of health care in this country, the truth is that we live in a remarkable time for medical treatment—especially in emergency situations. With 911, ambulances, and hospitals, we are extremely adept at addressing urgent medical situations. But what happens when those situations happen somewhere that traditional services can’t reach? That’s where Seattle, WA based Remote Medical International steps in. They provide “equipment, training, telemedicine, and onsite medical care for anyone who works or plays where going to the hospital is not an option.” They are yet another Inc. 500 company that seems to have found a great market niche. Over the past three years, Remote Medical International has increased revenues 1184% to $5.2 million. The coolest thing about that growth is that Remote Medical International is offering services that save lives—lives that may not have been saved just a few years ago.

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