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Scojo Foundation

by on April 5, 2008

Scojo Foundation Logo

When I was a junior in high school, I couldn’t make out what was written on the blackboard anymore. I had gone from having 20/12 vision – the best the nurse had ever seen – to sitting in the ophthalmologist’s office to get my first pair of glasses. The glasses only lasted a month before I got contact lenses, but it was still awkward to pull out my glasses at the beginning of each class. The glasses and contacts made a huge difference in every day life, and they also helped me lift my batting average on the baseball team from .000 the year before to .448. I didn’t like that I needed them, but I had to learn to deal with it. In retrospect, I didn’t realize how lucky I was to get excellent vision care. The Scojo Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides glasses and vision care to people in developing countries who would otherwise struggle to get by.

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