Internships in Uruguay

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One Laptop Per Child

by on February 15, 2009

One Laptop Per Child Logo

Do you remember your family’s first computer? Were you early adopters with an Apple IIe? Or did you have a Gateway 2000 (back when 2000 was futuristic) that came with a free month of AOL? Was it the original Macintosh or a later Performa model? If you remember that computer better than you remember your first grade teacher, today’s job will be right up your alley. One Laptop Per Child is a non-profit organization that was founded by faculty members of the MIT Media Lab to offer children across the world educational opportunities through laptop ownership. Based on 5 Core Principles of Child Ownership, Low Ages, Saturation, Connection, and Free and Open Source, OLPC is looking to change millions of lives by allowing children to explore, experiment, and express themselves.

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