Internships in Editorialw

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by on October 5, 2012

SpareFoot Logo

I’ll fess up to it… I watch Storage Wars. How can you not enjoy a show where people make exorbitant bids for other people’s junk and then find out whether they won big or overpaid? Isn’t part of the American Dream finding treasure in someone else’s trash? I don’t know where they get the valuations on some of this stuff, but who cares if the “value” of all of the world’s antiques and collectibles is greater than the total amount of money in the world? (I’m making this up, but I’m convinced it’s true.) If you really want to make money from storage units, you’re better off owning them–or helping their owners market them. That’s what SpareFoot. They’re an Austin, TX based company that “has the largest inventory of storage units on the web” and allows you to “search by location, price, unit size and amenities.”

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Center for Student Opportunity Logo

If thinking about your future career is stressing you out, there’s also a chance that you’re feeling disillusioned about all of the time, effort, and money that you’ve invested in your college education. Now, a college education (even if it’s from a top school) doesn’t guarantee an internship or job, but it’s still amazingly valuable. It’s no secret that a college degree usually leads to “higher employment rates, higher job status, and earn higher wages.” For many of you, college was a given, but there are plenty of students who don’t come from a “college-bound culture.” They live in underserved communities or come from families where college is not a foregone conclusion. Bethesda, MD based Center for Student Opportunity is a non-profit organization that empowers “underserved, first-generation college students to and through college by providing critical information, guidance, scholarships, and ongoing support.”

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