Internships in Oklahoma

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Crop Quest

by on November 21, 2012

Crop Quest Logo

I have no idea how much of the Thanksgiving story that I learned in elementary school is factual. I assumed that the whole thing about Squanto teaching the Pilgrims to fertilize corn with fish was a bunch of bunk, but Wikipedia says that it’s pretty much true. We’ve come a long way from the kind of subsistence agriculture that got our country started. Farming these days is far more science than art. Crop Quest is a perfect example. They’re a Dodge City, KS based “innovation-driven leader in crop consulting and agricultural production management and solutions with a clear focus on [their] customers’ production goals and budgets.” In a weird way, they’re kind of like the modern day Squanto.

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The Nature Conservancy

by on January 8, 2012

The Nature Conservancy Logo

Last night I started watching Planet Earth and ended up staying awake later than I intended. This morning the same channel was on, and I ended up watching documentaries on Yellowstone. There aren’t many things that I find more fascinating than nature, so it’s easy for me to get caught up in these kinds of shows. It’s also why I think the work of The Nature Conservancy is so important. They’re an international non-profit organization based in Arlington, VA that is “the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.” The Nature Conservancy was founded in 1951, and since then they have grown their membership to more than 1 million people. The organization’s huge size gives it a ton of power and has enabled it to do some really amazing work.

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CLEAResult Consulting

by on September 17, 2010

CLEAResult Consulting Logo

Maybe you’ve jumped on the energy efficiency bandwagon. You changed out your lightbulbs, unplugged your chargers when you’re not using them, and opened the windows instead of using air conditioning. But let’s be real, individually you’re not going to save the world by yourself (but you might save a bunch of money). That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of power in collective action, but energy efficiency measures are way more effective when they come from the top. That’s why Austin, TX based CLEAResult Consulting works with utility companies to maximize efficiency. They’re “an energy efficiency consulting firm with expertise in utility program design, development, implementation, and evaluation.” Apparently their programs are pretty successful considering that they were #144 on the Inc. 500 with 1860% three-year revenue growth to $21.6 million. Not only are they improving environmental outcomes, but they’re also saving businesses and consumers money.

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