Internships in Software Development

Looking for more internships in Software Development? Check out the most recent internship postings in Software Development.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Software Development. You can also look at entry level jobs in Software Development.


by on October 11, 2010

SecondMarket Logo

Liquidity can be a big issue in college. Your parents gave you money for food, but it’s all in the form of “meals” at the dining hall. As far as I know, there’s no market for converting these meals into cash, so you’re stuck on campus with the same slop that you’ve been eating daily for past 7 weeks. In the real world, liquidity can be a much bigger issue. There are plenty of people who are millionaires on paper but can’t pay their bills because all of the assets they hold are illiquid or hard to sell quickly. SecondMarket is a New York City and Palo Alto, CA based company that provides the largest secondary market for illiquid assets. In other words they help buyers find sellers and sellers find buyers for a variety of financial products. It’s not like eBay where you can turn Pez dispensers into cash—it’s for serious financial instruments that just don’t have thriving markets like publicly traded stocks do. SecondMarket is yet another Inc. 500 company—they came in at #270 with 1,156% three-year growth to $35 million in annual revenue.

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by on October 4, 2010

Cornell students! I’m on campus right now, working from Mann Library. I’ll be here for a bit, then I’m going to head over to the Ives Hall. I’m wearing a green sweater and using a Mac. Come say hi! E-mail me at if you need help finding me.

MacUpdate Logo

I’ve been a Mac user since the early 90s. No joke. I remember the days of trading floppy disks with shareware on them back before the Internet. There weren’t a lot of Mac users, so we had to band together. In fact, I used an Apple IIe before I had a Macintosh, so I’ve been through all of the ups and downs with Apple. It’s a great feeling to walk into a college library and see more Macs than PCs. Even when I was here at Cornell, PCs were still dominant with college kids. Obviously the Internet along with the insane growth of Apple’s market share has made Mac software way easier to find, but Apple still doesn’t have an “app store” for programs to run on your desktop/laptop. That’s where MacUpdate comes in. They are “the number one, Mac-only software website on the Internet.” They not only make it easy to find great software for your Mac, but they also have software that automates updates to third-party applications.

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The Urban Institute

by on October 2, 2010

The Urban Institute Logo

One of the wonderful things about running this site is all of the reader e-mails that I get. Some of my favorites are from readers who have had success stories about internships they’ve landed through the site, but I also love it when you guys introduce me to companies or organizations that I haven’t heard of. One reader recently wrote me to recommend The Urban Institute, where he had been temping. It’s a Washington, DC based non-profit that does “nonpartisan economic and social policy research.” They were founded in 1968 in response to President Johnson’s call for “independent nonpartisan analysis of the problems facing America’s cities and their residents,” and they now work in all 50 states and in more than 28 countries.

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by on September 30, 2010

Modea Logo

Believe it or not, after three years I’m still running a one-man show here at One Day, One Job/Internship. I do all the design, web development, marketing, business development, writing, SEO, and everything else that it takes to run the business. I can’t even imagine how nice it would be to have an agency or in-house team of specialists—you know, people who actually are experts in the given field—work on some of the stuff for me. Even though we’re profitable, I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon. But if it was, I might consider using Modea. They are a Blacksburg, VA based “digital services agency” that creates “results-driven digital content and campaigns for a diverse group of recognizable consumer brands.” Ok, maybe One Day, One Internship isn’t a recognizable consumer brand quite yet, but one day (one internship). I’m still running through the Inc. 500, and Modea came in at #221 with 1335% three-year growth to $3.5 million in revenue.

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by on September 28, 2010

Quidsi Logo

Usually when a company has a weird name and no website of their own, you start to think that they may be some kind of internship scam. Not having a home page for you company is a big warning sign; however, I’m not too worried about Quidsi. They’re a Jersey City, NJ company that made it to the Inc. 500 with 1535% three-year growth to $182.5 million in annual revenue. That’s two orders of magnitude great than most of the other Inc. 500 companies we’ve looked at. As far as I can tell, it’s all coming from two businesses— and Both are retail sites that allow you to buy household goods easily online. Although I’m sure there are a lot of other reasons for their success, you have to think that Quidsi has truly reaped the benefits of owning some top notch domain names.

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Central Desktop

by on September 24, 2010

Central Desktop Logo

If you’ve been paying any attention to the Inc. 500 companies that we’ve been featuring over the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed that the way people work is changing. The Internet is not only changing business models, but it’s also changing day to day operations. One good example is software like Central Desktop. They’re a Pasadena, CA that offers “a complete, pure Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) social technology platform that allows business teams to communicate and collaborate more efficiently.” In other words, they enable people to work together more efficiently even if they’re on opposite ends of the world. It’s another growing business area, as Central Desktop has seen 1569% three-year growth to $2.6 million in annual revenue. There’s certainly money in helping people get work done more effectively.

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by on September 22, 2010 Logo

As I’ve been ripping through the Inc. 500 in search of awesome, fast growing companies that are hiring new or recent grads, I’ve noticed that there are a lot of companies with similar business models. Insurance is big. So is credit card processing. Recruiting is surprisingly robust, and so is SEO/Online/Affiliate Marketing. Another area that is extremely hot is cloud storage. Two weeks ago we looked at ShareFile, and today we’re going to look at Palo Alto, CA based They have similar offerings that allow business to simply and securely share files. Although ShareFile has been growing a little faster, has seen 1,822.3% three-year growth and actually has higher annual revenues at $5.1 million. The other difference is that it seems that ShareFile focuses more on the exchange of files, while seems to put a bigger emphasis on offering a full content management system.

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by on September 21, 2010 Logo

Yesterday we talked about search engine optimization and how powerful it can be for driving new customers to businesses. Today we’re going to talk about, a San Mateo, CA based company that helps businesses make the most of the leads that they get. Their software as a service solution provides “a complete sales and marketing solution including: email marketing, lead nurturing, lead scoring, website tracking, instant alerts, and closed-loop reporting capabilities to manage and qualify sales leads, shorten sales cycles, drive revenues and prove marketing ROI.” Yes, there are some buzzwords there, but seems to be delivering on their promise—they’ve managed to increase their revenue by 1,842% over the past three years to $3 million.

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by on September 20, 2010

Conductor Logo

Judging from my Google Analytics stats, you most likely found One Day, One Internship through Google. Beyond content development (writing these posts every day), one of my biggest business priorities is search engine optimization (SEO). If I make it easy for college students to find this site through search engines, then I’ve overcome one of the biggest challenges that an online business faces—reaching new customers/users. SEO can be extremely valuable for all kinds of businesses, which is why it shouldn’t be a surprise that a company like New York City based Conductor has been able to grow at a 1859% rate over the past three years to $10.4 million in revenue. They are an SEO technology company that works with “more than 250 of the Fortune 500 and Internet Retailer 500… to continually measure, improve and manage their natural search efforts in order to increase site traffic and revenue.” The great thing about SEO is that it’s an investment that pays dividends over the long term, so it’s an area that should only continue to grow over the next decade (unless Google decides to really mess with us).

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by on September 16, 2010

StumbleUpon Logo

Back in the early days of the Internet—when I was a teenage webmaster—one of the best ways to get people to your site was through things called webrings. You and other webmasters who had similar sites would agree to send each other traffic through a simple interface that each webmaster posted on his or her site. Browser who used the webring would get a random walk across a small corner of the Internet. As the Internet has evolved and Google has gotten really good at giving us what we’re looking for, randomness has fallen out of the online experience. StumbleUpon is a San Francisco based company that is bringing randomness back. They’re a social network and “discovery engine that finds the best of the web, recommended just for you.” When you click the “Stumble” button, you’ll never quite know where you’re going to end up, but it will be relevant to your interests and recommended by the greater StumbleUpon audience.

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Lattice Engines

by on September 14, 2010

Lattice Engines Logo

When you think of optimizing your investments, you probably think about asset allocation, picking the right stocks, getting a better interest rate, and other things related to your personal finances. But what about spending $27 on a job search course that will help you get a job and start making money faster? Let’s say that you’re going to make $800 a week (that’s a pretty decent entry level salary). The things that you learn in the course help you get a job two weeks earlier than you would have otherwise. You just turned $27 into $1600. You couldn’t have done that in the stock market, but how do you know that your investment will pan out? You can’t. You have to take a risk. At worst, you spent $27. But what if you’re a huge business? You can’t just make guesses—you need to know that your maximizing your return on investment. That’s why huge companies like Microsoft, Novell, and EMC use Lattice Engines. They’re a San Mateo, CA based company (with offices in New York City and Boston) that “provides analytic solutions that help customers maximize their return on sales and marketing investments.”

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Fitness Anywhere

by on September 13, 2010

Fitness Anywhere Logo

As the beach volleyball season winds down, I’m starting to spend more time in the gym. Last Wednesday I did a leg workout that was heavy on box jumps, and today is the first day that I’m not feeling sore from it. That’s the sign of a good workout, but it’s also a sign that I need to spend even more time in the gym. I might even want to try some of the TRX Suspension Training products from San Francisco, CA based Fitness Anywhere. The company was founded in 2004 by Randy Hetrick, a former Navy SEAL who had developed some product ideas out of the necessity for training methods that could be used while on a mission without access to gym equipment—stuff you can do anywhere. As the company has evolved, they have grown to “deliver world-class training products and exercise programs for the serious athletes, fitness professionals, first responders and the US military.” You might recognize the names of some of the athletes who use Fitness Anywhere’s products—they include Drew Brees, Jamie Moyer (the dude is 47 and playing Major League Baseball), Carmelo Anthony, and Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser.

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by on September 10, 2010

ShareFile Logo

When you land an internship, you’ll likely face some new information technology frustrations. Even if you are the master of your computing domain, you’ll realize that the systems that most companies have set up are kind of quirky. Take e-mail for example. You’ll probably find that you can’t send a large attachment through e-mail—which is an absolute necessity for many jobs—because the e-mail system won’t permit it. ShareFile is a Raleigh, NC based company that fixes this exact problem. They offer the “perfect solution for any type of business that needs to transfer large files or sensitive data.” ShareFile has obviously found a market in need, as they have seen 2,408.1% growth to $4.3 million in revenue. It’s a simple fix to a common IT problem that companies face, and they seem to have crafted an elegant solution that works in a business environment.

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by on September 9, 2010

Clarabridge Logo

Yesterday AT&T decided to e-mail their customers and ask for feedback in a centralized location: their Facebook page. It didn’t go quite as planned, as an “angry mob” was forced to “Like” the page before they could actually leave their rants. If you want to see the bloodbath for yourself, you can take a look at AT&T’s Facebook page. We all know that customer service is never an easy task; however, it’s become much more difficult to manage as the Internet has grown. Ten or twenty years ago, you had to write a letter or make a call to complain. Most people wouldn’t take the effort, so companies could manage feedback pretty well. Now most companies get feedback online, and they are often faced with more information than their staff can reliably read. That’s where Clarabridge comes in. They’re #101 on the Inc. 500, and they offer text mining software that helps companies with “customer experience management.” That means that Clarabridge, which is based in Reston, VA, enables companies to process tons of feedback with way less manpower.

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by on September 8, 2010

SwarmBuilder Logo

I’m big on brand advocacy. I’m not just constantly plugging brands like Bonobos, Gilt Groupe, and Groupon because they have awesome referral programs (which they do). I plug them because I’ve always had great experiences with them, and I know that they’re perfect for career minded college students. Word of mouth marketing works well enough when it happens organically, but it really takes off when you give it a little push (like a referral program). SwarmBuilder is a Salt Lake City, UT based company that works “with Brands, Retailers and Member Organizations to build audiences of sales influencers and convert them into active armies of engaged Brand Advocates.” SwarmBuilder does this with three platforms: (for retail sales professionals), (for Pros, “Bros” and other VIPs), and (for vocal web collaborators). Each of these platforms enables its targeted audience to connect with brands and learn about their products while being incentivized to spread the word.

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by on September 7, 2010

Just because you’re a broke college student doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Use Groupon to get awesome deals from local businesses. Who doesn’t like having fun at half the price?

Xirrus Logo

Now that the holiday weekend is over, let’s get back to running through the Inc. 500 in our search for exciting entry level career opportunities. Today we’re going to talk about WiFi. Chances are that you’re using it to read this right now. When I started college, most people didn’t even have Wi-Fi. By the time I graduated it was in every off campus apartment. Now the idea of plugging in to an Internet connection means that you either have an ancient computer or you’re staying at one of those annoying hotels that forces you to plug in and then charges you $19.95 for a day of Internet access. There are a few other bastions of wired Internet left, and they’re often left that way because implementing large scale Wi-Fi networks isn’t easy. Having a single router plugged into a cable modem is basically a no-brainer, but offering uninterrupted Wi-Fi across a huge office building, conference center, or other large structure isn’t so easy. That’s where Xirrus comes in. They are a Thousand Oaks, CA based company that is aiming to “unwire the Enterprise with Wi-Fi that performs like a wired network.”

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by on September 1, 2010


I’m a big fan of location based networks. I’ve been using Foursquare since last July, but I have to admit that I’m getting a little bored of it. Facebook Places seems somewhat interesting, but it’s more because most of your friends already have accounts. If I’m going to be motivated to keep checking into places, I need an incentive. Foursquare occasionally gets me something for free, but the gaming element of the service seems like an afterthought. That’s why I was excited to check out SCVNGR when a reader recommended them as a company to feature. They’re based in Boston, MA, and their focus is on getting people to do challenges at specific places and share what they’ve done with friends. Their go to example is making tin-foil origami out of the wrapper from a burrito place and then uploading a picture of it, but I’ll bet that it can get way more interesting than that. For instance, anyone can build a set of challenges and treks with rewards on SCVNGR—I could take the Cornell Daily Sun’s list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do and turn it into a SCVNGR trek. Maybe I could even team up with a sponsor to reward people who knock off certain items on the list. SCVNGR seems like a really fun way to learn about cool things to do and then share what you’re doing with friends. I can definitely see this taking off—maybe I’ll make a trek for getting an internship.

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by on August 31, 2010

Gazelle Logo

There are a lot of things that you can do to get through college when money is tight. You can get a temporary job, you can do consulting, you can live with your parents, you can sell your blood, and you can even collect cans for the deposit money. But if you’re desperate for cash, you might as well start out with low hanging fruit. There’s a good chance that you have outdated electronics lying around your apartment or house. Maybe it’s a first generation iPhone or a video game system that you never play anymore. Why not sell it? You don’t even have to go to some sketchy neighborhood to find a pawn shop or meet some stranger from Craigslist. You just need to use Gazelle, a Boston based company that provides “a practical, responsible, rewarding way for consumers to get value for used electronics.” The are the “nation’s largest reCommerce company,” and they keep growing—they’re #24 on the Inc 500 list with a 7,119.7% three-year growth rate.

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by on August 30, 2010

ModCloth Logo

I just got back home to Chicago on Saturday, and I arrived to see the latest issue of Inc. Magazine waiting for me on the kitchen counter. It’s a big day for me because it’s the Inc. 500 issue where they list the 500 fastest growing private companies in the United States. It’s my absolute favorite tool for finding new companies to feature, which is why we’re going to take a look at ModCloth today. They came in at #2 on the list with 17,191% growth over the past three years to get to over $15 million in revenue. And all of that growth has been “built on a foundation of love for vintage and retro clothing.” The company, which is based in both San Francisco and Pittsburgh, was started by high school sweethearts Eric Koger and Susan Gregg Koger, and they aim to “provide a fun and engaging shopping atmosphere” for their customers by using social media to interact with them. ModCloth is big on democracy, so customers actually get some say in the direction the company’s buyers take.

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by on August 26, 2010

Lucasfilm Logo

Let me preface this post by saying that there is no way that I am going to do the topic justice. There’s just no way that I can properly bring to life the story of Lucasfilm when I’m just not all that into Star Wars. I’ve seen the trilogy, and I even saw the one or two of the movies from the prequel trilogy, but I’m not a fanatic. With that said, there are plenty of fanatical Star Wars fans and fans of George Lucas’ work. What he was able to do with late 70s/early 80s technology in the Star Wars movies is incredible, but what’s even more incredible is the excitement that Lucasfilm has been able to build around its franchises—mainly Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Lucasfilm is located in San Rafael, CA, while they also have a large presence in Singapore. They’re a monster name in the film and entertainment industry, and they also have businesses including Industrial Lights & Magic, Lucasarts, Lucasfilm Animation, Lucas Licensing, Lucas Online, and Skywalker Sound.

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by on August 25, 2010

Ustream Logo

I’ve never done a live video event for job seekers, though I’ve seen a lot of others in the career space do them. I figure that the video content that Jason Seiden and I put together for Found Your Career is way better than anything that I can do on the spot. However, if you think that a live Q&A or something would be valuable, you should definitely let me know via e-mail at Since you’re probably going to bombard me with e-mails, I’ll probably have to sign up for Ustream, “the leading live interactive broadcast platform.” Ustream, which is based in San Francisco, was founded to enable soldiers stationed abroad to connect more efficiently with their families. The technology required for doing that has plenty of other capabilities, which is why Ustream can be used to broadcast nearly anything—from political debates to sporting events and from move premieres to interactive games. Shoot, Chad Ochocinco says, “Ustream is big for me. It allows me to have a voice.” And

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by on August 23, 2010

BuzzFeed Logo

You know how I know that I’m cool? I saw the Bed Intruder Song video (if you haven’t seen it yet, watch the original version first) on YouTube before you and pretty much everyone else who saw it. Pop culture fluency used to be based on your generation, but now it seems that it has more to do with when you last signed online. If you want to be as cool as I am, you may want to start using BuzzFeed. It’s a website and New York City based company that publishes and tracks viral media. They won’t tell you what’s hot this year or this week, but what’s hot right now this second. It may not seem all that important now, but when you’re out with your friends and they’re referencing the latest YouTube craze, you don’t want to have to sneak away to the bathroom to watch on your phone.

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by on August 18, 2010

Aprimo Logo

A company’s marketing is usually done by one of two groups—an internal marketing team or an integrated marketing agency that is hired by the company. I’m sure there are some exceptions, but most brands fall into one of those two buckets; however, marketing software is carving out a growing piece of marketing budgets. Automation is a wonderful thing, and as marketing becomes more analytics and results based, automation gets easier. Agencies and marketing teams aren’t anywhere near being replaced by computers (but I guess it’s possible in the future), but software can really change how brands approach their marketing. Aprimo is an Indianapolis, IN based company that provides integrated marketing software. They serve both B2B and B2C clients with software that aids in areas including “campaign management, lead management, brand management, e-mail marketing, event management, performance management, social marketing, spend management, and workflow & project management.”

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by on August 17, 2010

IGT Logo

My family is in Colorado Springs this week, and we’re staying at an amazing ranch on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. Yesterday we went back to civilization for the first time, and we decided to visit Cripple Creek—an old mining town that was home to “the last great Colorado gold rush” and more than half a billion dollars in gold ore. Unfortunately gold mining can only last so long, and Cripple Creek eventually became a ghost town. In 1991 voters legalized gambling in Cripple Creek, and the city was reinvigorated, albeit with most of the storefronts inhabited with gaming establishments. Our visit was interrupted by a massive hail storm, so we waited in the car until it let up a bit and ran into the first restaurant we could find. Turns out that it was a restaurant inside of a casino, and we had to walk past a bunch of slots and other machines to get a bite to eat. Of course, I couldn’t make it past the Game King video poker machine without playing, and luckily I came away from “lunch” 90 bucks richer. That gave me the idea to take a look at IGT (International Game Technology), the Reno, NV based gaming company that designs and manufactures the Game King machine among many other casino machines.

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by on August 12, 2010

Lolapps Logo

I don’t play Facebook games with one exception—a game that a friend built. I guess this makes me unusual (I do play iPhone games though) because the stats on Facebook games are crazy. It’s hard to believe that anybody gets work done these days. If only there was a Facebook game where winning meant you’d landed an internship. That’s not going to happen, so if you insist on Facebook gaming your way through the internship search, then you better be looking to work for a company like Lolapps. They’re based in San Francisco, and they make Facebook games. They actually started with a user-generated quiz business, then they moved on to building games for well-known brands. Now, they’re focused on becoming their own gaming brand. Their current products include games like Garden Life, Band of Heroes, Diva Life, Yakuza Lords, and a few more. I’m sure they’re working on plenty more as they try to grow their name in the ultra-competitive world of Facebook games.

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by on August 10, 2010

Square Logo

I think that some of the biggest innovation yet to come in the Internet space is going to be in the form of payment processing. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one day in the future we pay for almost everything by logging into our Facebook/Google/Amazon accounts. That still seems pretty far off though. The lag in easy online payments can probably be attributed to the need for extremely high levels of security. As soon as it’s ridiculously simple to send a friend money to chip in for a group gift, it’s also going to be ridiculously simple for a hacker to take you for all you’re worth. In the meantime there are some companies that are working to develop transitional solutions for payment processing. San Francisco’s Square is one of them. They have developed a software platform that allows anyone to accept credit card payments. It all started when a glass artist was unable to make a sale because he couldn’t accept credit cards. Now, all you need is an iPhone/iPad or an Android device to do just that.

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L.L. Bean

by on August 9, 2010

Looking good is key to interviewing well. If you’re not confident in how you look, you won’t be confident in how you speak. Clothes matter. Luckily, dressing well doesn’t have to be expensive. We’ve worked out deals to get you $50 off your first order at Bonobos and free access to Gilt Groupe’s daily sample sales. You’ll look good, feel good, and still have some money left to celebrate landing a new internship.

L.L. Bean Logo

August is typically a big vacation month, so it can sometimes be hard to stay focused on your internship search. If you’re taking a vacation yourself, you may want to thing about the brands that you associate with vacation. For me, it’s often L.L. Bean because I end up spending most of my time enjoying the outdoors—and that usually includes some of their gear. They’ve been “a trusted source for quality apparel, reliable outdoor equipment and expert advice for more than 95 years.” It all started with one man named Leon Leonwood Bean and some cold wet feet. He decided to combine the comfort of leather boots with the durability and functionality of rubber work boots. He then obtained the mailing list for Maine hunting license holders and sent them a three-page flyer about his new boots. L.L. guaranteed that people would be satisfied with his boots, and he had to eat his words. Of the first 100 pairs that he sold, 90 were returned for defects. that would put a lot of people out of business, but not L.L. Bean, which continues to be located in Freeport, ME to this day.

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