Internships in Statistics

Looking for more internships in Statistics? Check out the most recent internship postings in Statistics.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Statistics. You can also look at entry level jobs in Statistics.

GameChanger Media

by on April 8, 2013

GameChanger Logo

When I played baseball in high school, my teammates and I all hated having to “keep the book.” Not only did it mean that you probably weren’t playing, but it also meant that you had to pay 100% attention while you were sitting on the bench. I have to think that keeping the book it a little more fun now that it’s done on tablets and smartphones. GameChanger Media is a New York, NY based company that is bringing high end scorekeeping and stat keeping technology to amateur sports. Not only do they make it ridiculously easy to record everything that happens in a game, but they also allow you to livestream those stats to any fan with an Internet connection (parents must love this!). When the action is over, GameChanger automatically tabulate and displays all kinds of important stats.

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by on March 19, 2013

One Day One Job is hiring! Learn more here.

HelloWallet Logo

Personal finance and the job search go hand in hand. There’s plenty that you can do to get your financial life in order before you start working, but you can’t really start taking control until the paychecks start hitting your bank account (even though that’s probably the most tempting time to lose control). As I’ve learned from Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You To Be Rich, personal financial success is about behavioral change, and changing your behavior is hard. That’s why I was intrigued to learn about a “financial wellness” tool that was designed with the help of behavioral economists. The company behind it is called HelloWallet, and they’re based in Washington, DC. Their goal is to “boost the wealth of workers by democratizing access to honest financial guidance – something only 20 percent of Americans have access to today.”

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by on February 18, 2013

TrueCar Logo

If there’s a holiday without an identity, it has to be President’s Day. A lot of people don’t even get the day off any more, and the only other thing to get excited about is getting a deal on a car or mattress. If you know how to shop, you usually don’t have to wait for these “once a year” sales. In fact, buying a car is becoming a lot more straightforward because of companies like TrueCar. They’re based in Santa Monica, CA, and they offer a “hassle-free car-buying experience from a nationwide network of certified dealers.” By putting data to work for car buyers, they’ve information asymmetry that dealers have used to their advantage for so long. In fact, TrueCar’s data and network are so good that they’re able to guarantee savings.

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by on December 3, 2012

Krossover Logo

I’ve you’ve ever played on a team that watches game film, you know that what you think you did, what your coach thinks you did, and what you actually did are often three completely different things. The film can’t lie, but absorbing the facts of the film without letting your biases creep in is extremely difficult. If only there were a way to turn game footage into stats. Krossover does that and a lot more. They’re a New York, NY based company that is aiming to “disrupt the current sports content, analytics and technology landscape.” Their platform allows coaches to upload raw video and “get back searchable film, box scores, visualizations, and more.”

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NORC at the University of Chicago

Now that the election is over, we know where the country stands on choosing a leader. But it’s still not all that clear what the collective wants on individual issues. There’s no doubt that polls guide policy, and that’s why the 2012 NORC Election Survey is important. It “was designed to measure public opinion about important issues the country faces – economic recovery, health care costs, and extreme partisanship,” and it is based on data collected both before and after the election. The survey is conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago (also known as the National Opinion Research Center), which is a Chicago, IL based non-profit organization that aims to “to conduct high-quality social science research in the public interest.” The organization was founded in 1941, and it has done research on a wide range of topics including Children and Youth, Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Energy, Environment, Health, Human Development, International Development, Poverty, Security, Special Populations, Substance Abuse, and Sustainability.

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The J.M. Smucker Company Logo

This is going to blow your mind. I’ve never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Peanut butter sandwich, yes. Peanut butter and jelly, no. I don’t have an explanation except that there was this kid at my elementary school who always had jelly on his face and it kind of grossed me out. I’m sure this is a travesty in the eyes of the people at The J.M. Smucker Company. Luckily for the Orrville, OH based company, not having me as a customer has not kept them out of the Fortune 500 (though their grasp on that title is tenuous at #495). While they’re best known for their fruit spreads, they also manufacture and market “peanut butter, shortening and oils, ice cream toppings, sweetened condensed milk, and health and natural foods beverages.” Though publicly traded, The J.M. Smucker Company is still a family company–their CEO is still a Smucker.

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Wireless Generation

by on June 8, 2012

Wireless Generation Logo

I’ve read plenty of articles about how technology is making kids dumber. Video games, Facebook, and text messaging are usually the culprits. I’m more interested in how technology is making kids smarter. My expectations for kids who are currently in elementary school are through the roof because of the tools they and their teachers have access to. Wireless Generation is a Brooklyn, NY based company that is at the forefront of education technology. The company was founded by two Rhodes Scholars who “shared a passion for technology and an interest in what it could do for K-12 teachers.” Within ten years they built this passion into a company that was sold for $360 million. That’s what’s cool about the education market–you can feel like you’re doing good and still play in a market with big money.

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by on March 30, 2012

MathWorks Logo

Just a few days ago I mentioned that computers are better than humans at math. That’s true for many math operations, but the ultimate combination is a smart human working with a fast computer and great software. MathWorks is a Natick, MA based company that makes this possible, as they are “the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists.” They’ve been around for nearly 30 years, which is a seriously long time in the software business. MathWorks is probably best known for MATLAB, which is “a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation.” It’s used everywhere from research in top universities to designing industrial machines. If advanced math is involved, there’s a good chance that MATLAB will be used.

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National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Logo

Columbus Day isn’t much of a holiday anymore–it’s become yet another regular work and school day for many. It makes sense considering Christopher Columbus wasn’t really the guy that my 1st grade teacher taught me that he was. Still, I’m amazed by the feats of guys like Columbus (which is why I’ve written about Garmin and Facet Technology on past Columbus Days). Getting in a boat with an uncertain route to a far away destination still seems crazy to me, and these guys did it in a time when navigation equipment was quite basic. Their minds would be blown if they knew what kind of information the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (formerly the National Imagery and Mapping Agency) has. The agency is headquartered in Springfield, VA and has major facilities in St. Louis, MO (I learned about them from one of my awesome interns whose boyfriend works for the NGA). They are part of the Department of Defense, and they are tasked with providing “timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of national security.”

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Want to be part of the One Day, One Job/Internship team? Here’s your chance!

Innovations for Poverty Action Logo

When I hear the word innovation, I usually think high-tech. It’s really just about finding new things that work, even if they’re old ideas. Innovations for Poverty Action is a New Haven, CT based non-profit organization that is “dedicated to discovering what works to help the world’s poor.” By using the scientific method in everything that they do, Innovations for Poverty Action is able to optimize their programs for maximum return on investment. That means they’re able to help more people with less money, which is absolutely essential when you’re fighting poverty. It’s pretty cool that they’ve been able to create a system for reliably developing new innovations.

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by on November 22, 2010

Want to try Dropbox? You get 2 GB for free plus another 500 MB if you sign up with this link.

Dropbox Logo

I’m headed back to Connecticut this morning to be with my family for Thanksgiving. One of my pre-travel routines is to backup my laptop. I plug it in to the external hard drive, and let Apple’s Time Machine go to work. It’s pretty simple, but it feels a little bit outdated. I know that I can get a Time Capsule and automatically backup over WiFi, but what I really want to do is have a backup “in the cloud” that I can access from anywhere. That way if my desk catches on fire and both my laptop and external hard drive get toasted, I still all have all of my important files. I’m still waiting for Apple to offer a seamless solution, but until then I’ve decided (as of last night) to use Dropbox. So far I’m pretty impressed with the offering of the San Francisco, CA based company. They offer extremely affordable, easy to use technology that can sync your files across computers while also making it super easy to share files with people.

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The Cadmus Group

by on November 18, 2010

The Cadmus Group Logo

I’m sure that you keep hearing about the green job revolution and how environmentalist ideals are actually going to start fueling economic growth (instead of hindering it), yet you’re probably wondering where all of these opportunities are. Most of the green internships that I come across are either in the non-profit or energy sectors. However, if you look a little more closely there are a lot more options—some of which have been around a lot longer than you would have expected. Take The Cadmus Group in Watertown, MA for example. They were founded in 1983 to “take advantage of a change in how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procured contractor support,” and they’ve evolved into a leading environmental consulting firm. They’ve done this by gathering “the best minds across a variety of disciplines to help address the nation’s most pressing environmental, energy, and health challenges.

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by on October 20, 2010

Did you know that you can get Amazon Prime for free if you’re a college student? That means unlimited, free two-day shipping on everything you buy.

MCG Logo

For the past couple of months we’ve been including more numbers than usual in our daily posts—things like three-year growth rates and annual revenues. Since we’ve been looking mostly at companies on the Inc. 500, we figure that it’s useful information. If simple numbers like those intimidate you, then today’s company is definitely not for you. However, if your response to our daily posts is to seek out more numbers and dig into annual reports and other similar documents, then you’re in luck. MCG is a Providence, RI based company that does mathematical, statistical, and strategic consulting. Their motto is “Nothing is too complex.” The first person listed on their Management Team page is their Chief Analytics Officer, so that should tell you a lot about MCG’s focus. And I almost forgot—MCG has grown at an 834.4% rate over the past three years to $2.2 million in revenue (they were only founded in 2006).

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The Urban Institute

by on October 2, 2010

The Urban Institute Logo

One of the wonderful things about running this site is all of the reader e-mails that I get. Some of my favorites are from readers who have had success stories about internships they’ve landed through the site, but I also love it when you guys introduce me to companies or organizations that I haven’t heard of. One reader recently wrote me to recommend The Urban Institute, where he had been temping. It’s a Washington, DC based non-profit that does “nonpartisan economic and social policy research.” They were founded in 1968 in response to President Johnson’s call for “independent nonpartisan analysis of the problems facing America’s cities and their residents,” and they now work in all 50 states and in more than 28 countries.

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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I guess Labor Day isn’t such a great holiday when it’s just another day of looking for internships. And who likes the end of summer? On past Labor Days we looked at internships with the U.S. Department of Labor and Stetson, but today we’re going to talk about the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. They are “the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.” That means that lately they’ve been the bearer of bad news, but they’re also essential to economic recovery. Without reliable statistics our policymakers can’t know what to do. Additionally, without the BLS, I wouldn’t have been able to write my Labor Economics research paper on the effect of deer hunting season on employment rates in the state of New York.

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by on February 10, 2010

Ceteris Logo

The way that large corporations operate often boggles my mind. Take for example my friend who worked in the internal consulting division of a massive, well-known company. Despite being owned and operated by the company, his division had to bid against outside consulting firms for projects. There was a good reason for this (it forced the internal consulting division to watch its back), but it still seems a bit ridiculous. Another example of this kind of thinking is transfer pricing (don’t worry, I had to look it up too). It’s the “pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization.” At first it may seem that since all of the money is going to the same place pricing things that are transferred within an organization doesn’t really matter. Unfortunately, that would cause all of the accountants in an organization (and the IRS too) to have a fit. So how do companies price these transfers? There’s no external market to set the price, and trying to do it internally can get really messy. That’s when companies bring in Ceteris a “global independent consulting firm specializing in transfer pricing, intellectual property and valuation services” that is headquartered in Chicago.

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by on January 22, 2010


I have no idea how I’ve made it through nearly two years of posts on One Day, One Internship without featuring ESPN. I covered ESPN’s entry level jobs on One Day, One Job, but never took the time to look at their internship program. As you probably know, ESPN is the “worldwide leader in sports.” They’re a huge media company with multiple television stations, a magazine, and an enorous web presence—they also have branded restaurants. When it comes to sports coverage, there’s no competition; ESPN is king. They also have an amazing employment brand not only because they offer jobs and internships in sports, but also because of their awesome commercials that take place in their Bristol, CT office. I have to imagine that internships at ESPN are some of the most sought after internships out there.

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by on December 2, 2009


As a Yankees fan I am obliged to hate anything and everything related to the Red Sox—and even Boston sports in general. That’s why it pains me to cover NESN (New England Sports Network) today. They’re one of the most successful regional sports networks (RSNs) in the country ratings-wise (#1 for 6 straight years), and they do it in the 7th biggest media market. NESN is jointly owned by the Boston Red Sox and Boston Bruins, whom they cover along with the Celtics, Patriots, and plenty of local college teams. They were launched in 1984, which makes Watertown, MA based NESN one of the oldest RSNs in the country, and they now reach more than 4 million homes. I still don’t understand why anyone would want to watch Boston sports on tv.

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by on November 25, 2009

SeatGeek Logo

Last spring when sports fans on the North Side of Chicago were still hopeful, Amy and I decided that we wanted to go to a Cubs game. It was the day of the game, and we didn’t have tickets. We checked out StubHub, and saw some pretty good prices, but we decided that waiting would get us even better prices. We waited. The prices went down. We waited some more. The prices went down some more. And then disaster struck. StubHub stops selling tickets 2 hours before a game. We were shut out. We ended up heading to Wrigley and buying from some “ticket brokers” outside of the park. We got a pretty decent price, and we had a great time (I may or may not have been listening to the Yankees game on my iPhone at the same time), but we were left with the question of when is the best time to buy tickets on the secondary market. Apparently SeatGeek has the answer—they’re a New York City based web startup that predicts the price of sports and concert tickets. We’ve seen similar startups succeed in the travel market, and I think this business may make even more sense for event tickets.

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U.S. Department of Labor

by on September 7, 2009

U.S. Department of Labor Logo

Having graduated from Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, I spent a lot of time learning about work, employment, and labor issues during my undergraduate days. While most people think that Labor Day is all about the end of summer (sorry!) and not being able to wear white anymore, my school ensured that I was made more aware of the history of Labor Day. Oddly enough, ILR didn’t give us the day off from classes, but they did excuse us from classes if we went to a big Labor Day celebration with speakers from major unions. If that sounds like something that would interest you, then maybe you’ll want to check out internships with the U.S. Department of Labor. There isn’t a more suitable employer to feature on Labor Day than our Federal Government’s Cabinet department responsible for promoting “the welfare of the job seekers, wage earners, and retirees of the United States.”

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by on June 30, 2009


I love statistics—especially when applied to sports—so it should be no big surprise that some of my favorite blogs include The Wage of Wins Journal, Sabernomics, and FanGraphs. Surprisingly, the statistical knowledge found on the best blogs these days is often far ahead of what you will find in the front offices of many major sports teams. The reason for the recent advancement in statistical sports knowledge of laypeople has a lot to do with how easy the Internet and computers have made it to collect and analyze in-depth data. A big reason that sports data is available is because of Northbrook, IL based STATS, Inc.. Their story is pretty cool. They were founded in 1981 and “began as a grass roots operation tracking baseball in a unique, esoteric fashion.” Now, they’re “the world’s leading sports information, content and statistical analysis company.” I guess that numbers worked out for them.

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by on May 31, 2009


For most of the internships that we feature here, safety isn’t much of an issue. You may be concerned about internship security given the current economic conditions, but not many of the internships that we cover will put you in harms way—at least as long as you don’t tip back too far in your desk chair. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of dangerous jobs out there, and many of them are in the construction industry. It’s doubtful that the business of building things will ever be completely safe as long as humans are doing it, but CPWR is doing its best to improve safety in the construction industry. Their acronym used to stand for The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights, but now it seems that their full name is The Center for Construction Research and Training. They are a Silver Spring, Maryland based non-profit organization (despite their .com web address) that was created by the AFL-CIO in 1990, and they’ve become “an international leader in applied research, training, and service to the construction industry.”

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U.S. Census Bureau

by on March 20, 2009

U.S. Census Bureau Logo

Every 10 years our country does a census to collect demographic data about our populous to drive public policy decisions. It’s an extremely big deal, and it temporarily creates 1.4 million jobs (according to government figures). Sometimes temporary jobs like these can be an alternative to an internship, but we want you to get more meaningful work experience if possible. Luckily, the U.S. Census Bureau does a lot more than its once every ten years nationwide census. They are “the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy,” so you’d be amazed by all of the things that they track. For instance, much of the economic data that you have been hearing about in the news lately – as in “Stocks plunge on weakened Monthly Retail Sales” – comes from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you’re fascinated by data or just love counting things, there aren’t many places that offer a more interesting work experience that the Census Bureau.

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by on March 18, 2009

Sparta Logo

Usually when I’m looking at the job and internship requirements to get a feel for what a company is looking for, I’m looking at things like education, experience, skills, and job functions. It’s not often that I’m thinking about security clearance, but at today’s company, SPARTA, it’s essential for most of their jobs and even some of their internships. (Now, don’t worry if you don’t already have Top Secret Clearance, they still might have jobs for you as long as you didn’t get into too much trouble during your college years or before.) The reason that there’s all this talk about clearance is that SPARTA is a company whose “core business areas include strategic defense and offense systems, tactical weapons systems, and space systems” and whose “major intelligence credentials include intelligence production, computer network operations, and information assurance.”

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Invite Media

by on December 2, 2008

Invite Media Logo

I usually roll my eyes at “stealth stage” startups. It’s not that I doubt that they have something really cool up their sleeves; it’s just that I don’t fully understand the obsession with keeping an idea secret. It’s a lot harder to build a business when you can’t tell people what you’re doing, and as Howard Aiken said, “Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.” With that said, I’m still really intrigued by what Invite Media is up to. They’re a Philadelphia based startup that is putting “some of the top statistical minds” to work analyzing and optimizing online display advertising. That’s about all that they’ll share, but it sounds fascinating.

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by on November 13, 2008

Trendrr Logo

Since today is World Usability Day, maybe it would have been better if we saved Hesketh’s internships for today. I guess we jumped the gun. Maybe if we had been watching trends a little more closely, we wouldn’t have missed the announcement. Ok, so maybe Trendrr wouldn’t have told us that today is World Usability Day, but it can tell us that the Yankees are more popular than the Mets (Duh!) and that… well… I don’t know exactly what it’s telling us about the NYC Pillow Fight’s Attendees. Trendrr pulls data from 14 categories (Blogs, Facebook, Finance, Jobs, Movies, News, Real Estate, Sales, Search Results, Social Networks, Tickets, Video, Weather, and Web Stats) and numerous sources to allow you to track all kinds of trends, whether they be as ridiculous as attendees at a pillow fight or as serious as the number of Indeed job listings in your city. It’s an insanely cool tool that I’m going to start using to watch some things that I currently use RSS to track.

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by on March 31, 2008

Expedia Logo

If you’ve bought a plane ticket or stayed in a hotel any time since about 1994 (ok, maybe a little later than that) you probably used a third party booking agent to at least look up fares or rates. Although the way airplane fares and hotel room rates are determined remain mysteries to most of us, it’s become a heck of a lot easier to travel economically when you have the Internet to help you plan. We’re probably not telling you anything you don’t know, so let’s start talking about internships at a company that you’re likely already familiar with,

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