Internships in Oregon

Looking for more internships in Oregon? Check out the most recent internship postings in Oregon.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Oregon. You can also look at entry level jobs in Oregon.

StoveTeam International

by on April 12, 2014

StoveTeam International Logo

There’s something primally satisfying about cooking over an open fire. Maybe I enjoy it so much because I don’t get to do it very often. For a lot of people across the world, it’s an everyday occurrence–and that’s not a good thing. Did you know that “the most dangerous activity a woman can undertake in the developing world is cooking for her family?” StoveTeam International is a Eugene, OR based non-profit that is trying to make cooking safer by helping to start “self-sustaining businesses [that] produce safe, affordable, fuel-efficient cookstoves to replace dangerous open cooking fires.”

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by on February 12, 2014

Laika Logo

Every once in a while I go back and watch cartoons that I watched when I was a kid. I’m not talking about G.I. Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles–I mean the the random video tapes with cartoons from the 1920s and 1930s. It’s amazing how effectively stories can be told with simple animations, so you would think they can be told even better with not-so-simple animations. That’s what Laika does. They are a Hillsboro and Portland, OR based “animation company specializing in feature films, commercials and short films.” They’ve been nominated for an Oscar, which tells you how exceptional their ability to “handcraft and transform everyday materials into living creatures infused with dimension and soul” is.

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Alta Bicycle Share

by on November 8, 2013

Alta Bicycle Share

Over the past six months baby blue bikes have been popping up all over Chicago. As a driver, they’re a bit scary because many of the riders seem unsure of themselves on two wheels, but it’s an overall good thing for the city. The bikes are part of the Divvy Bikes bike sharing system. The program seems to be a huge success so far, and I’m hearing the same thing about similar programs in other cities. The company behind Divvy, CitiBike, Bay Area BikeShare, Capital Bikeshare, and quite a few others is Alta Bicycle Share. They are based in Portland, OR and have offices in San Francisco, Columbus, Chicago, Brooklyn, Chattanooga, Boston, Washington, DC, and Melbourne, Australia. They’ve been able to launch programs in such major cities because they ” provide solutions for all aspects of bike share, from location assessment and business modeling to system maintenance and expansion.”

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Mercy Corps

by on September 7, 2013

Mercy Corps Logo

I haven’t developed much of an opinion on the Syria situation yet, but I know that there are some things that everyone can agree on. One is that we need people looking out for the country’s children. More than a million kids have already fled the war, and there was a non-profit working to help them well before Syria became a staple of the evening news. It’s called Mercy Corps, and it’s a Portland, OR based organization that helps “people in the world’s toughest places survive the crises they confront and turn them into opportunities to thrive.” (Here’s what they’re doing in Syria.) They got their start in 1979 by raising $1 million to provide aid in Cambodia, and ever since they’ve been doing work all over the world.

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by on June 20, 2013

Kevia Logo

I spend as much time as I possibly can enjoying nature, and I’m convinced that nothing can rival its beauty. From rock formations to the spots on trout to mushrooms and wild flowers, it’s incredible how much enjoyment I can get from simple stuff. While people often try to create their own beauty, the most successful attempts take some hints from nature. That’s exactly what Kevia does with their jewelry. They are a Portland, OR based company that offers “handcrafted sustainable jewelry” that is inspired by the natural world.

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by on May 24, 2013

Adpearance Logo

I find marketing extremely interesting because the tactics change rapidly, while the basic principles never do. If I was hiring an agency, I’d want a team that brings together the old and the new, even though I often have a strong urge to go with whatever’s new. Adpearance is a Portland, OR based digital marketing agency that crafts “campaigns that launch from the solid foundations of traditional marketing, but with the added benefit of statistical analysis.” They’ve taken the best of both worlds and combined them into a complete offering that is focused on the most important thing: client ROI.

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Elemental Technologies

by on August 28, 2012

Elemental Technologies Logo

I have to admit that this year’s version of the Inc. 5000 has disappointed me so far. Maybe it’s because I’ve already covered many of the most interesting companies in the top 50 (Acquia, Red Frog Events, Nasty Gal, Leadnomics, Spongecell, and Gemvara), but a lot of the other businesses at the top of the list don’t even have Careers pages. That doesn’t mean that you can’t reach out to them if you find them interesting, but I’m not going to do a write up on them unless their stories are super compelling. After looking through the first 51 companies, I came across Elemental Technologies at #52. They’re a Portland, OR based company that has achieved 4,518% three-year growth by being “the leading supplier of video processing solutions for multiscreen delivery.” What does that mean? Elemental Technologies develops technology that enables media companies to deliver the same video content experience across a variety of devices.

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Back to the Roots

by on July 3, 2012

Back to the Roots Logo

Yesterday I came across Inc. Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of America’s Coolest Young Entrepreneurs. Apparently I wasn’t cool enough this year, but I’ll leave my hard feelings aside because this list is an amazing source for interesting companies with exciting internships. While the list certainly skews towards tech, my favorite from the list is as old school as you can get. It’s a fungus startup–mushrooms to be exact. Most people stick to store bought mushrooms because eating some mushroom that you found growing in your yard could be deadly (or psychedelic), but store bought mushrooms often leave something to be desired–especially when they get slimy. Back to the Roots is an Oakland, CA based company that allows you to enjoy the freshly picked mushroom experience with a product that you can buy in a supermarket.

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Amy’s Kitchen

by on April 19, 2012

Amy's Kitchen Logo

I don’t think that I’ve had a frozen dinner since I forced my mom to buy me Kid Cuisine in the early 90s. If I’m going to eat something unhealthy, it should at least taste good, right? Clearly I’m biased against frozen meals (maybe because I consider myself a pretty good cook), but I shouldn’t write them all off as unhealthy and unpalatable. That’s especially true because one the nation’s leading frozen food brands is all vegetarian and mostly organic. Amy’s Kitchen was founded in 1987 by a couple looking for a way to provide for a new baby. They started in their home with a vegetable pot pie, and since then the Petaluma, CA based business has grown to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

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Outward Bound

by on January 14, 2012

Outward Bound Logo

I went to small, private middle and high school. They were really big on outdoor education, so almost every year we took some kind of class trip to promote bonding and a kind of learning that can’t be done in the classroom. The trips were wonderful–even when 20 of us got lost in the woods with one teacher overnight. I was lucky to get these kind of experiences through my school, but if I hadn’t, there’s a good chance I would have done something like Outward Bound. They are “a non-profit educational organization and expedition school that serves people of all ages and backgrounds through active learning expeditions that inspire character development, self-discovery and service both in and out of the classroom.” Outward Bound is headquartered in Golden, CO (but operating across the country), and “was founded in 1941 in the tumultuous waters of the North Sea during World War II, to provide young sailors with the experiences and skills necessary to survive at sea.” They got their start in their current state in 1961.

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by on December 29, 2011

Allegiant Logo

I don’t mind flying; in fact, I kind of enjoy it–especially on smaller planes. Unfortunately, it’s not often that you can hop in a 6 seater and get a sweet view for the entire flight. Usually you are crammed into a 150-seater and spend most of the time looking at clouds. I guess most people are more comfortable with that, but not me. When I’m flying I’m not particularly brand conscious, so I mostly choose my airline by who has the cheapest fare. That means that I end up on flying all different airlines, but I’ve never flown Allegiant. They’re a low-cost carrier and travel company based in Enterprise, NV. They travel to 75 destinations with a fleet of 75 MD-83s and MD-87s. All of Allegiant’s routes begin or end in one of 9 hubs: Bellingham, WA; Los Angeles, CA; Las Vegas, NV; Phoenix, AZ; Myrtle Beach, SC; Orlando, FL; Tampa Bay, FL; Fort Myers, FL; and Fort Lauderdale, FL.

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by on July 7, 2011

BankSimple Logo

When I was job searching after graduating from college, one of my big projects was getting my finances in order. I opened accounts, closed accounts, cashed out savings bonds, started investing, and made sure that I knew where all my money was. I also started using Mint to track everything. It worked well until my bank updated their online banking software and killed Mint integration. It eventually got fixed, but there was no way to merge my old Mint data with my new Mint data (I essentially had to set up another bank account in Mint). This was pretty minor in terms of banking nightmares, but it was still a huge pain. Otherwise, I’m happy enough with my current bank, but I’d love to have a bank that is focused on delivering a superb online experience. BankSimple (also known as the Simple Finance Technology Corp.) wants to be that bank. They’re based in New York, NY and they’re all about customer service and user experience.

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Minimal Inc.

by on June 3, 2011

Minimal Inc. Logo

There are two ways to go about your internship search. You can push or you can be pulled. You can seek out companies that you want to be a part of, or you can wait passively for companies to blast their internship openings out to the world. The former will lead to far more rejection, but it can be well worth it. This is why I occasionally like to cover companies that don’t appear to have any internship opportunities posted. If they’re doing something fascinating, they’re worth looking at regardless of what they have posted. One of the coolest things that I’ve seen lately is the iPod Nano watch made by LunaTik. It’s simple, elegant, and totally awesome. Basically it’s a watch band that you can slip a 6th generation iPod Nano into–totally putting calculator watches, game watches, and every other kind of watch to shame. Not only can you tell the time and use it as a stopwatch (with a multitouch interface), but you can listen to music and track your runs with Nike+. If I didn’t hate wearing watches, I’d totally buy an iPod Nano just so that I could get one of these watches. Now, LunaTik is the brand that these watches come from, but it seems that the whole product line came out of a Chicago, IL based product design shop called Minimal Inc.. Both are founded by a guy named Scott Wilson, so they seem to be very closely related if not formally connected.

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by on June 2, 2011

Seilevel Log

I often hear from readers that I don’t cover internships in their preferred location or in their area of interest. On a day to day basis that may be true, but over the past three and a half years I’ve written about a truly wide range of companies, industries, internship types, and locations. Just check out our archives to see them all. (Remember, the goal of these daily profiles isn’t just to get you to look at the company we’re featuring–it’s supposed to be a jumping off point for you to generate new ideas for your internship search.) However, the companies I cover are going to be skewed towards areas with job growth, both in terms of geography and industry. Sometimes you have to move where the action is to land a great internship and set yourself up for a great career. I find that readers get most frustrated by the plethora of available software development positions that seem completely out of reach to students who aren’t studying computer science. Today we’re going to try to relieve some of that frustration by looking at Seilevel, an Austin, TX based company that is “exclusively focused on IT Product Management services for Fortune 1000 companies.” They’re working hard to change the way that companies write software requirements. You may not know what that means right now, but you can learn. Just like a One Day, One Job reader who told me about Seilevel after landing a job there with no background in software development.

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Dachis Group

by on December 9, 2010

Dachis Group Logo

Do you know what I hated most about college? Group projects. Even if I had a good group (and I usually had at least one slacker and one know it all), getting everyone together and communicating about who was doing what over the course of the project was a pain in the butt. Technology has come a long way in the five years since I graduated college, but I’m sure that group projects are still a pain. Now, imagine doing it in a corporate environment on a daily basis with some outdated technology platform that you’re required to use. There is some really cool stuff happening at the nexus of work, technology, and relationships, but most companies are missing out on the potential gains. Dachis Group is a company headquartered in Austin, TX that helps “businesses to create and capture value from emerging trends in technology, society and the workplace.” They do “social business design,” and they do it well.

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The Cadmus Group

by on November 18, 2010

The Cadmus Group Logo

I’m sure that you keep hearing about the green job revolution and how environmentalist ideals are actually going to start fueling economic growth (instead of hindering it), yet you’re probably wondering where all of these opportunities are. Most of the green internships that I come across are either in the non-profit or energy sectors. However, if you look a little more closely there are a lot more options—some of which have been around a lot longer than you would have expected. Take The Cadmus Group in Watertown, MA for example. They were founded in 1983 to “take advantage of a change in how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procured contractor support,” and they’ve evolved into a leading environmental consulting firm. They’ve done this by gathering “the best minds across a variety of disciplines to help address the nation’s most pressing environmental, energy, and health challenges.

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Environment America

by on November 13, 2010

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Environment America Logo

Now, I’m not one to worry much about Global Warming, especially when I’m enjoying a snap of 60-plus degree weather in Chicago in mid-November, but that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about the environment. There’s no doubt that our way of life has numerous negative impacts on the natural world around us, and we’re not doing enough to minimize those impacts. Environment America is a nationwide, non-profit “federation of state-based, citizen-funded environmental advocacy organizations” that is headquartered in Washington, DC. Their strategy is focused on combining “independent research, practical ideas and tough-minded advocacy to overcome the opposition of powerful special interests and win real results for the environment.” (Yes, they’re another special interest that is fighting special interests.) They’ve been around for 30 years, and I’m sure that they’re going to keep on going as long as mankind is harming the environment.

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Trick or Vote

by on October 31, 2010

Trick or Vote Logo

Now, Halloween isn’t the most internship search friendly holiday. Not only do you have to worry about incriminating pictures of you in your costume will be posted on Facebook, but you can’t exactly walk around from employer to employer and say, “Trick or Internship!” Still, Halloween is a $6 billion industry by itself, so you shouldn’t completely ignore it in your job search. However, it’s a Sunday which means that we’re looking at non-profit internships. It’s not as easy as you might think to find a non-profit that you can tie into Halloween. Last year we took a look at Children’s Dental Health Project, and this year we’re going to take a look at Portland, OR based Trick or Vote. They are a nonpartisan, non-profit organization that has volunteers “dress up in costume on Halloween and knock on doors in their neighborhoods reminding people to vote.”

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by on March 12, 2010

WebMD Logo

If you woke up this morning with a sore throat, what would you do? I bet many of you would get on the computer, type your symptoms into Google, and probably end up on WebMD trying to self-diagnose. I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing (maybe we should leave the diagnosing for the doctors), but it’s how most of us operate these days. We have a remarkable amount of medical information available at our fingertips, and WebMD, which is based in NYC with a significant presence in a number of other cities, is responsible for a lot of it. They consider themselves “the leading provider of health information services, serving consumers, physicians, other healthcare professionals, employers and health plans.” If you read that closely, you probably noticed that WebMD’s business goes well beyond their consumer facing website.

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by on October 22, 2009

Survey Monkey Logo

One of my goals with One Day, One Internship is to get more interactive. I’d like to get more feedback from you, the readers, on what you want to see, and I’d also like to use the collective wisdom of thousands of college students to develop better content. The best way to do that is through reader surveys, which is why I recently signed up with SurveyMonkey. They’re a Menlo Park, CA (formerly Portland, OR) based “startup” that has been helping people run online surveys for the last decade. While most Internet companies that started in 1999 have since flamed out and most companies started in the 2000s have relied on flashiness to bring in venture capital money, Survey Monkey and its outdated look have been laughing all the way to the bank. By providing a dead simple way for business owners (they’ve worked with more than 80% of the Fortune 100) to collect data, SuveyMonkey has built an insanely successful business.

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by on May 26, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard Logo

This is a guest post by Heather R. Huhman. Heather is the media relations manager at a national health care professional association and entry-level careers columnist for

When I was in college, I wanted nothing more than to work at Fleishman-Hillard. Renowned for their corporate culture, Fleishman-Hillard is headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., has 80 offices throughout the world, does business in more than 20 languages and has 29 practices areas. In 2008, the firm’s work and culture earned them the “Best Agency to Work For” by The Holmes Report. But their list of awards hardly stops there, including “103 Silver Anvil Awards, 90 CIPRA/SABRE Awards, and numerous other national and international awards.”

And Fleishman-Hillard doesn’t just win awards outside the organization, but also with its own employees. In 2007, 98 percent of Fleishman-Hillard employees called the firm an organization “of which they can be proud,” according to an employee satisfaction survey. Fleishman-Hillard rewards their employees in return, giving out two awards annually – the “team player” and John D. Graham – recognizing “individuals in various geographic regions for unparalleled commitment to the client, the agency and their team.” Managers also give awards at their discretion for “their heroic efforts.” I’ve known many individuals who’ve worked for Fleishman-Hillard over the years, including one of my college mentors, and I’ve heard nothing but good things.

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by on November 18, 2008

Edelman Logo

Maybe I’ve started too many posts like this, but I was doing my daily scan of Twitter for interesting internships when I came across a tweet from @bethcromwell about StrategyOne internships. I clicked the link and was surprised to end up on the website of Edelman. Apparently StrategyOne is a part of Edelman, so I decided to take a look at Edelman’s entire internship program. Edelman is a huge PR firm. They have 3,100 employees across 51 worldwide offices. They were voted PRWeek’s Large Agency of the Year for 2008 because of their position as a thought leader in new and social media. It’s cool to see the big guys as early adopters, so that’s why we think an internship with Edelman might be worth considering. It’d also be worth considering because Edelman is the PR Agency that was behind the launches of Halo 3 and Adobe CS3. Sweet!

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