Internships in Canada

Looking for more internships in Canada? Check out the most recent internship postings in Canada.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Canada. You can also look at entry level jobs in Canada.


by on January 6, 2014

Arc'teryx Logo

I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to experience the coldest weather of my life last night, but it’s pretty good to be “stranded” on a tropical island. Since I work from home, I used to get through cold snaps by not leaving the house for extended periods of time. Now that I have a dog and no yard, that would be… messy. Shockingly, if you were more and better clothing, you can stay pretty warm in even the coldest temperatures. Less shockingly, quite a few of the companies that make awesome cold weather gear are based in Canada. We don’t usually cover opportunities outside the U.S., but we’re making an exception for Arc’teryx. They are based in Vancouver, BC, and they merge their “unrivaled designs with the best quality, highest performing materials and assemble them in the most innovative and most durable manner for the intended use.” In other words, they make high performance for extreme situations–whether it’s climbing a mountain or walking your dog on the coldest day of your life.

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Major League Lacrosse

by on October 2, 2013

Major League Lacrosse Logo

There are a few kids who I knew growing up that ended up playing professional sports. For one it was destiny. His dad was a pretty good MLB player whose cousins played in the NFL. Despite the pedigree and signing an NFL contract, I don’t think my friend ever got in a game. Another kid (with a crazy intense dad who got banned from coaching in at least one local league) played a few years of minor league baseball. However, the most successful pro athlete that I knew growing up was a kid who I never would have expected to make it. He never struck me as super athletic, but he ended up being extremely good at lacrosse. In fact, he has already won a Major League Lacrosse Championship and made an All Star Team. It may not be one of the four major sports leagues, but it’s a serious league with serious growth potential (lacrosse keeps getting more popular). While the league is headquartered in Brighton, MA, it has teams in Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; Annapolis, MD; Denver, CO; Hamilton, ON; Hempstead, NY; Columbus, OH; and Rochester, NY.

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by on August 8, 2012


I saw The Dark Knight Rises on Sunday. It was awesome. I only go to 2 or 3 movies a year, but I’d totally see this one again. Thankfully Christopher Nolan decided against having Batman in 3D (I absolutely hate 3D movies–they make my head hurt), and chose IMAX as a superior alternative. If I’m going to see it again, I might as well get the full IMAX experience. For those of you who don’t know, Wikipedia describes IMAX as “a motion picture film format and a set of cinema projection standards” that “has the capacity to record and display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film systems.” IMAX is also the name of the company behind the technology. They’re based in Mississauga, Ontario, but they have some U.S. based jobs and internships, so I thought they were worth looking at.

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Back to the Roots

by on July 3, 2012

Back to the Roots Logo

Yesterday I came across Inc. Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of America’s Coolest Young Entrepreneurs. Apparently I wasn’t cool enough this year, but I’ll leave my hard feelings aside because this list is an amazing source for interesting companies with exciting internships. While the list certainly skews towards tech, my favorite from the list is as old school as you can get. It’s a fungus startup–mushrooms to be exact. Most people stick to store bought mushrooms because eating some mushroom that you found growing in your yard could be deadly (or psychedelic), but store bought mushrooms often leave something to be desired–especially when they get slimy. Back to the Roots is an Oakland, CA based company that allows you to enjoy the freshly picked mushroom experience with a product that you can buy in a supermarket.

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by on June 25, 2011

Catalyst Logo

Gender in the workplace is a complicated issue. Over the past 50 years, a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. Over that time one of the organizations that has played a significant role in “expanding opportunities for women and business” has been Catalyst. They’re a non-profit headquartered in New York, NY and with offices in Sunnyvale, CA; Toronto, Canada; and Zug, Switzerland. Since they were founded in 1962 they have studied “women and men across levels, functions, and geographies to learn about women’s experiences in business, barriers to their career advancement, and individual and organizational strategies leading to success.” They provide this research to their members (they’re a member organization) with the goal of “building the inclusion that will expand opportunities for women in the workplace.”

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by on April 4, 2011

Corbis Logo

Have you ever grabbed a photograph off the Internet for an assignment? I’ll bet most students have done this at some point. But how many actually think about whether or not they have the right to use that image? It may not seem important, but what if that photo is being published in a newspaper, magazine, or blog? The person who created the image needs to be compensated. The same can be said for other creative works like videos, illustrations, music, and more. The problem is that individual creators don’t want to spend their time selling their work and protecting their copyrights–they want to keep putting out more quality work. That’s why companies like Seattle, WA based Corbis exist. They buy and sell the rights for creative intellectual property. They have a massive catalog, so if you needed an image of fly fisherman with a mountain in the background at sunset, they have what you need. In other words they bring efficiency to a market that would otherwise be extremely fragmented and inefficient.

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by on March 28, 2011

Perkins+Will Logo

Even though my father is an architect, I must say that my appreciation for architecture is elementary at best. Excluding the few times that my Dad drags me along, I don’t intentionally pay much attention to the design of buildings. Even still, I often can’t help but notice buildings that are architecturally interesting for one reason or another.. When I came across a link to some positions at Perkins+Will, the first thing that I did was look at their work. I was surprised by how many of their projects I’ve noticed and enjoyed. Just a few of them include the San Francisco Ferry Building, Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, and The Contemporaine (which is only a couple of blocks from me). And that’s just a small sampling of the work that the firm has done. Perkins+Will was started in Chicago, IL in 1935, but since then they’ve expanded to 23 offices across the world (including locations in Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Dubai, UAE; Hartford, CT; Houston, TX; Los Angeles, CA; London, UK; Miami, FL; Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY; Orlando, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Research Triangle Park, NC; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Shanghai, China; Toronto, ON; Vancouver, BC; and Washington, DC.) I spent some time trying to figure out if they have an actual headquarters or main office, but I couldn’t come up with anything.

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Spin Master

by on December 23, 2010

Spin Master Logo

I may be 26 years old, but I still love getting toys for Christmas. I don’t mean expensive gadgets—I mean real toys. In past years I received gifts like a Marshmallow Shooter and a Fisher-Price T.M.X. Tickle Me Elmo (only entertaining for about five minutes), and this year I got the most awesome remote control helicopter ever. It’s not an Air Hogs helicopter, but I’ve always been impressed with that particular brand. They do some pretty cool stuff when it comes to flying toys, so I thought that my Christmas List could help your job search. Spin Master is the Toronto, CA based company (with locations in the US) that owns the Air Hogs brand in addition to other toy brands like Aquadoodle, Bugville, Flick Trix, Liv, Moon Dough, Zoobles, and plenty of others. They make all kinds of stuff that you and I are too old to play with, but I guess you’d have an excuse if you interned for them.

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Hockey Hall of Fame

by on June 11, 2010

Hockey Hall of Fame Logo

I was out last night with some friends when a bus with a police escort came roaring down the street. I quickly realized that it was the Blackhawks, so we started cheering as Jonathan Toews stuck his head out of the back of a police car and showed his appreciation for our appreciation. We thought that was pretty cool and continued on our way. As I kept walking, I looked down the street and saw that the bus had stopped and that I could now see the Stanley Cup raised over the head of one of the Blackhawks players who got out of the bus. I ran down the street and snapped this picture.

Stanley Cup

Chicago has been partying since the Blackhawks won, and there’s no trophy more suited to partying that then Stanley Cup (I mean guys drink champagne out of it). The story of the Stanley cup is actually really interesting, and you can find it all on Wikipedia. The Hockey Hall of Fame, which is based in Toronto, Ontario, is the keeper of the cup, and they could provide some pretty cool internship opportunities (if they actually offer them-they do list volunteer positions). We’re not getting a lot done here today in Chicago (it’s essentially a holiday) with a parade and the start of the World Cup, so I’m going to leave it to you to see if an internship at the Hockey Hall of Fame is a real possibility, but if that doesn’t work out, you can also check out internships with NHL teams. I may be a bandwagon fan (and a late one at that), but you can’t not get excited when the Stanley Cup is being paraded around town.

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The Second City

by on April 1, 2010

The Second City Logo

I know how tough finding a great internship is, so I’m not going to pull a prank on you. It would just be mean to tell you about some awesome internships and then say that they don’t exist. Instead, I’m going to stick to what I’ve done for the last two April Fools’ Days and introduce you to some internships with a humorous side to them. Two years ago we took a look at Motley Fool, and last year it was College Humor. This year we’re going to check out The Second City, which is “the leading brand in improv-based sketch comedy.” They have theaters in Chicago and Toronto, along with Training Centers in those cities and Hollywood too. The Second City is also where famous comedians like Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis (Ghostbusters!), Stephen Colbert, Tina Fey, Steve Carell, and Chris Farley cut their teeth. (My buddy Jason Seiden also did a little work at their Training Center.) It is the place for comedy, and it’s all located a mile up the street from where I live.

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by on February 10, 2010

Ceteris Logo

The way that large corporations operate often boggles my mind. Take for example my friend who worked in the internal consulting division of a massive, well-known company. Despite being owned and operated by the company, his division had to bid against outside consulting firms for projects. There was a good reason for this (it forced the internal consulting division to watch its back), but it still seems a bit ridiculous. Another example of this kind of thinking is transfer pricing (don’t worry, I had to look it up too). It’s the “pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization.” At first it may seem that since all of the money is going to the same place pricing things that are transferred within an organization doesn’t really matter. Unfortunately, that would cause all of the accountants in an organization (and the IRS too) to have a fit. So how do companies price these transfers? There’s no external market to set the price, and trying to do it internally can get really messy. That’s when companies bring in Ceteris a “global independent consulting firm specializing in transfer pricing, intellectual property and valuation services” that is headquartered in Chicago.

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by on December 17, 2009

Uline Logo

I love boring businesses. It may not seem like it considering the fact that I’m often featuring startups that are on the cutting edge of technology, but I really do appreciate when a company is able to take an extremely simple idea and make it profitable. Uline is a perfect example. They are a Waukegan, IL based company that considers itself “the leading distributor of shipping, industrial, and packing materials to businesses throughout North America.” It all started in 1980 when Liz and Dick Uihlein identified a need for a local shipping supplies distributer. They started the business in their basement with the H-101 carton sizer, and now they have a product line that fills a 452 page catalog. That’s a lot of growth, and I expect it to continue as e-commerce and the shipping that results from it keep expanding (I have about a dozen boxes in my apartment from various holiday season shipments). And if for some reason the shipping business does slow down, Uline can always reorganize as a producer of forts for children—I always loved playing in cardboard boxes.

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Be sure to check out our new contest, Maghound Your Way to a New Job. We’re giving away two one-year subscriptions to an awesome new magazine subscription service that can help you find an internship.

Blue Entertainment Sports Television

In continuing with my obsession over internships at Inc. 5000 companies (which fits in perfectly with our latest giveaway), we’re going to take a look at Blue Entertainment Sports Television today. They’re a Louisville, KY based “full-service sports and entertainment management, event and production company.” They’ve taken the unified agency approach that you often see in Marketing and Advertising, and have applied it to sports. That means that their areas of work include representation, marketing, promotion, hospitality and events. Their strategy seems to be pretty solid considering that their revenue has grown 4,685.3% over the past three years to $22.9 million.

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Rockstar Games

by on August 13, 2009

Rockstar Games Logo

After a second company used the term “rockstar” in their internship postings, it became clichéd. I know that I’ve said this before, but no matter how good your coding skills (or whatever other rockstar skills employers look for) are, you’re never going to be a rockstar. Unless, of course, you land a gig at Rockstar Games. If you work there, at least you’ll be a rockstar in name. You may not have a guitar, but you’ll be working for the company behind video game series like Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, and Manhunt. And for those of you who have a different taste in games, they’ve got Table Tennis for the Wii. I keep harping on the fact that the video game industry is doing well, but it’s just so impressive. Other content producers like newspapers, magazines, record labels, and move producers are struggling with changes in how we consume content, but video game companies keep humming along—and Rockstar Games is no exception.

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True Media

by on July 7, 2009

True Media Logo

The world of media is getting confusing. You’ve got marketing, PR, advertising, communications, social media, and plenty of other areas that are escaping me right now, and they’re all converging. The lines are getting blurred between each of these practices, and that means that media strategies need to be tighter. That’s what True Media is all about. They area Columbia, MO based, independent, full-service media strategy and communications company, and they operate with a “media neutral belief combined with a holistic integration of social media, PR, interactive and traditional advertising.” It may sound like a lot of jargon, but what it really comes down to is delivering measurable results for clients, and that’s what True Media does.

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Trend Hunter Magazine

by on March 27, 2009

Trend Hunter Magazine Logo

When it comes to entry level jobs and internships, I consider myself to be a trendhunter. I usually have a pretty good pulse on what goes on with the employment of young people. Unfortunately, when it comes to trends surrounding things that are much cooler than jobs and internships, I’m not so forward looking. That’s ok by me, though, because I can always turn to Trend Hunter Magazine for the inside scoop on what’s up and coming in just about any genre. Right now it’s 3D Body Art, Skin Lacing, Sexy Politicans, Super Stretch Motorcycles, and Mythological Homes. Last week it was Reverse Photoshopped Art, Alien Sound Systems, and Shocking Animal Sculptures. I have no idea what half of those things are, but if I want to, Trend Hunter will tell me. If this sounds cool to you, then keep reading. If it doesn’t, keep reading anyway to find out the latest trend in intern compensation.

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Research In Motion

by on March 16, 2009

Research In Motion Logo

I’m an iPhone guy, so I tend to feel sorry for people who are constantly thumbing away on their BlackBerries. That’s just my being a smug Apple user though. I realize that a lot of people love their BlackBerries and for good reason. They’re pretty remarkable devices, and they’re perfectly tailored for business use. (Although not as perfectly tailored as my iPhone! Ok, I’m done.) That’s why Research In Motion, the company that makes BlackBerries, has a 16.6% share of the smartphone market. They seem to have hit a bit of a rough spot lately (at least their stock price makes it look like they have), but their market position is still very strong. That’s why it’s no surprise that they appear to have a huge internship program; however, the real reason that I wanted to feature Research In Motion here is that they chose an unfortunate, yet inappropriately hilarious domain name for their Jobs site (it redirects now, but I think that you can figure it out).

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lululemon athletica

by on February 17, 2009

lululemon athletica Logo

Throughout college I went back and forth between being a devoted gym goer and a lazy bum. Some years I was good, and some years I was bad. After I graduated I committed to regular exercise, and it was the one constant that kept me going through a frustrating job search. I usually try to join a relatively expensive gym, but not for the obvious reason. I don’t care about all of the frivolities. I just know that if I’m paying $10 a month for a gym, I’m a lot less likely to go – I need to feel invested. With expensive gyms come lots of people in expensive, designer workout outfits. That’s where I learned about lululemon athletica, a Vancouver, British Columbia based manufacturer and retailer of “yoga-inspired athletic apparel.” Everyone at my gym is wearing lululemon, and the retail stores around here are packed, so it’s no big surprise that they’re hiring a lot of people now. Most of their jobs are in retail (which is an alternative to a Summer internship), but they have one internship that looks awesome.

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Major League Baseball

by on October 1, 2008

Major League Baseball Logo

I never thought that moving to Chicago would prolong the baseball season for me. Living in the New York City area gave me 13 straight years of October baseball, and now that I’ve left, both Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium will remain empty for the rest of the fall before they eventually face demolition. It’s lucky for me that I’m now living in a new city that happens to have two teams that are still in it. I get a 14th straight year of local baseball in October! Playoff baseball is by far the most exciting baseball of the year, but it also means that season will soon be over. Those of you who are baseball fans know how long the winter seems when there is only hot stove chatter to keep you entertained while you wait for pitchers and catchers to report to Spring Training. Although it may seem ridiculously early, now is the time to start thinking about your Summer plans if you want to intern with Major League Baseball. It’s pretty obvious that there is a lot of demand for these internships, so you need to make sure that you’re on the ball and beat all of the deadlines.

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Ford Models

by on July 10, 2008

Ford Models Logo

Do you love fashion? Do you enjoy being around beautiful people? Are you trying to date a model? These are all reasons that you might want to intern for Ford Models. Some of these reasons are more legitimate than others, but from what we gather, you need to be really serious about the modeling industry to land an internship with Ford Models. Competition is fierce for the limited spots they have, and finding information on how to land an internship with Ford Models is pretty tough. We’ve done a bunch of research, and we think we’ve got most of the details figured out. So if you’re ready to give up that dream of being a model yourself, then maybe interning at a modeling agency will be what you need to plan your new direction in life.

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