Internships in Sales

Looking for more internships in Sales? Check out the most recent internship postings in Sales.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Sales. You can also look at entry level jobs in Sales.


by on August 22, 2011

Lulu Logo

I realize that a lot of you are looking for something specific. You’re want a certain type of internship at a certain type of company in a certain type of industry in a certain geographic location. I know that on most days the company that I write about won’t check all of your boxes. Instead of closing out the e-mail when you see something that doesn’t fit your criteria, use our daily write ups as a jumping off point–something to get you thinking in new directions in your internship search. For instance, last week I wrote about Author Solutions. In doing research on them, I came across a few of their competitors. One that stood out was Lulu (not to be confused with lululemon). They’re a Raleigh, NC based company that has built an open publishing platform “that empowers more creators to sell more content to more readers more profitably than ever before.” It’s different from AuthorHouse in that Lulu doesn’t charge any upfront fees–they only get a cut when you make sales.

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Hamilton Farm Bureau

by on August 19, 2011

Hamilton Farm Bureau

Somehow my Dad and I forgot to get the proper cord to hook up my iPhone to his car speakers. That’s a big mistake when you’re doing two 13 hour drives in less than a week. We really could have used a book on tape considering that NPR is pretty much the only non-music station that comes in reliably in Northern Maine (and the CBC once we get close to the border). I know I’ll catch a lot of flack for this, but I’m not an NPR fan (it bores me to tears, and the CBC is even worse); however, there was a segment this morning that caught my attention. It was on Hamilton Farm Bureau and how they’re having trouble hiring qualified people. Considering that the company is based in Hamilton, MI and has locations across the state of Michigan, you’d think they’d be able to tap into the nearly 20% of state residents who are under or unemployed. Who knew that a cooperative that “sells fertilizer and propane gas, packages and ships eggs, and helps farmers market what they raise” would have so much trouble finding good people?

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Author Solutions

by on August 17, 2011

Author Solutions Logo

It amazes me how many people dream of writing a book. I never had that dream, yet when a publisher came to me and pitched a book idea on career development, I jumped at the opportunity. I had no idea how hard it would be, and I ended up backing out because it was sucking up time that I should have been spending on my business. Most people aren’t anywhere near as lucky as I was. Getting a publisher to work with you on a first project is nearly impossible–though I watched a good friend of mine totally hack the process and get a deal for his book. Luckily, you don’t need a book deal to publish a book these days. If you’re willing to take all of the risk, self-publishing can be a great alternative. Author Solutions is the parent to a number of companies that serve this market. They’re located in Bloomington, IN, and they own both the largest and second-largets print on demand companies in the U.S.

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by on August 12, 2011

Heyzap Logo

There’s one reason that I’m not a “social gamer.” If my friends found out how much time I spent playing games like Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds, I’d be totally embarrassed. If only we all could admit to each other that we’re compulsive gamers and start talking openly about it. That’s what Heyzap is all about. They’re a San Francisco, CA based “social discovery platform for mobile and online games and the largest social network for mobile gamers.” Through “check-in” functionality much like that of Foursquare they let you tell your friends what games you’re playing and show off to them about how skilled you are. Don’t you wish you had a similar social network for your internship search? “Hey everyone! Look! I applied for this internship and I got rejected in a record time! 2 minutes flat.”

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C3 Presents

by on August 5, 2011

C3 Presents Logo

Today marks the beginning of the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago. Musical festivals definitely aren’t my thing, but it seems that everyone in the city is talking about Lolla. If you don’t know what Lollapalooza is, you can get the full story at or on the Lollapalooza Wikipedia page. I was most interested in figuring out what company puts on the festival, because there’s a good chance that they might have some interesting job opportunities. It turns out that Lollapalooza is “presented” by C3 Presents, an Austin, TX based (I hear they also have locations in Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL) company that “creates, books, markets, and produces live experiences, concerts, events, and just about anything that makes people stand up and cheer.” They were formerly known as Capital Sports Entertainment, and in addition all of the live events that they do, they also offer artist/talent management services.

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Lower East Side Tenement Museum Logo

We often forget that this country has been built (and is continuing to be built) by immigrants. For hundreds of years people have risked everything that they had to try for a better life in America. While just getting here is a journey, the first few years of “making a new life, working for a better future, starting a family with limited means” can be daunting. The Lower East Side Tenement Museum in New York, NY tells the story of life in America for nearly 7,000 immigrants from over 20 countries who lived in the building between the years of 1863 and 1935. It’s a part of American history that doesn’t get a lot of attention (how many of us have visited colonial era museums?), yet it’s an extremely important part of our national identity.

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by on July 15, 2011

Quickparts Logo

I’m headed to Atlanta for a wedding this weekend, so I decided to do a little searching for interesting companies in ATL. Pretty quickly (no pun intended) I came across Quickparts, and they stood out because I’ve never covered a business that does what they do before. The Atlanta, GA headquartered company that is “dedicated to providing [their] customers with an online e-commerce system to procure low-volume and high-volume custom manufactured parts.” What does that mean? You can upload CAD drawings for some sort of part or product to their site, and they will instantly offer a quote based on “the part geometry, the required materials, lead time, and quantity.” If the quote meets your specs, then you give them the go ahead to start manufacturing. Yes, this company actually make stuff!

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by on July 14, 2011

Yammer Logo

Communication in the workplace can be a major hassle, especially considering the fact that a lot of people who work together are doing so from different locations these days. E-mail was an amazing step forward, but it still has a ton of flaws. (I’m dying for an e-mail client that is built for how I think and work–nothing comes close.) Now that I’m starting to consider hiring interns or part-timers (more on that soon!), I need to come up with a way to communicate with them and manage projects. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook are on to something with their interfaces, but they are most certainly not for communicating about work. I’ve played around with the the WordPress P2 Theme, which turns blogging software into something Twitter-like, but I’m not completely sold on it. I’ve also heard some good things about San Francisco, CA based Yammer, which seems to be a pretty sweet solution. Yammer enables “people to create private enterprise social networks.” It’s more collaborative than e-mail, and it allows you to open up conversations to a wider audience without annoying them.

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Total Attorneys

by on July 6, 2011

Total Attorneys Logo

Yesterday, I was sitting on the beach waiting to get into a volleyball game and talking to a friend about cool companies in Chicago, IL. She mentioned that her company shares office space with a really interesting business that is in the legal space. We don’t typically cover law firms because our target market isn’t law school students (though I know at least a few subscribe). In many ways Total Attorneys resembles a law firm, but there’s one major exception: they don’t practice law. They offer cloud-based software solutions for individual lawyers and small firms, so that lawyers can spend more time lawyering and less time doing all of the other stuff that comes along with running a successful law practice.

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by on July 1, 2011

evoJets Logo

You have to love it when July 4th lines up on a Monday to make for a long weekend. It provides a great opportunity to get away, see friends or family, and enjoy our freedom. When I’m getting away, I prefer to do it via private jet. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to one, which is why I’m staying put in Chicago this weekend. But if I did want to spend every penny I have on a flight for the weekend, I’d totally try evoJets. They’re an Aspen, CO based company (though I see some indication that they’re actually based in New York, NY) that provides “on-demand private jet charter service.” That means that you don’t need to own a plane or a share of a plane. You can just call them up, and they’ll get you where you want to go. evoJets is another company that I learned about from Inc Magazine’s 30 Under 30. Both founders are 28, which seems too young to be flying on private jets, let alone running a company that provides access to them.

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by on June 28, 2011

Sailthru Logo

As you can probably tell, I’m extremely bullish on e-mail as a communication platform. I still think it’s the best way to reach people electronically, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. That’s why I’ve built One Day, One Job and One Day, One Internship as daily e-mails and will continue to do so. In the past we’ve profiled jobs and internships at a bunch of companies in the e-mail industry. We’ve looked at e-mail service providers like Aweber (the one we use), Constant Contact, e-Dialog, ExactTarget, iContact, and Return Path, and we’ve also looked at daily e-mail businesses like Thrillist, DailyLit, DailyCandy, The Daily Beast, Prime Publishing, TastingTable, and UrbanDaddy. E-mail is a massive, growing industry, yet you never hear any college students say that they want to go into the e-mail business when they graduate. I really hope that changes. Anyway, I got an e-mail from a former reader who is now working at Sailthru. I’d heard of them before, but she let me know that they have a bunch of internship openings. Sailthru is based in New York, NY, and they started as a simple e-mail service provider that would send transactional e-mails like welcome e-mails and receipts; however, they quickly moved into much more interesting stuff. Sailthru now has a platform called Horizon that enables them “to deliver enhanced psychographic information to clients and radically personalized communications to each of their users.” I get a lot of readers asking for personalization–maybe one day Sailthru will help me deliver it.

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Urban Mapping

by on June 23, 2011

Urban Mapping Logo

One of the most underrated trends in today’s wave of technology is the GPS-enabling of everything. I recently bought a waterproof digital camera with a GPS chip in it, and it has completely changed my perspective on taking photographs. I think that it’s so cool that I can visualize all of my photos across a map. As GPS shows up in more and more devices (it’s in pretty much every smartphone now), we’re going to see all kinds of cool applications come to fruition. Urban Mapping is a San Francisco, CA based company that plays a behind the scenes role in pushing forward mapping technology. As they put it, they provide “geographic data and services to businesses for bigger insights and better decisions.” Put more simply, Urban Mapping organizes all kinds of data around geography in a way that makes it easy to visualize and manipulate the data.

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by on June 21, 2011

Chegg Logo

During my Freshman year at Cornell, I took Econ 101. Since I was planning on being a good student, I bought the textbook and went to class diligently. Then I realized that the professor only gave multiple choice exams which were based on the slides from the class lecture. Those slides were posted online after every class, which made attending class and taking the textbook out of its plastic wrap completely unnecessary. I still went to class because I liked the professor and it helped me learn, but I’m pretty sure that I still have the $100+ textbook with CD-ROM sitting on a shelf at my parents’ house in its plastic wrap because the campus store wasn’t buying that book back. What a waste. If I were going to college now, there’s no way I’d buy textbooks. I’d rent them. That’s exactly what Chegg offers. They’re a Santa Clara, CA based company that is saving students a ton of money. When you buy books and then sell them back, you might as well be renting them, so why not actually rent them? According to Chegg, the average college student spends $1,000 a year on textbooks–using Chegg will save them half of that.

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BlueStar Energy Solutions Logo

I find it weird when a company tries to convince me to use less of their product and spend less on it. That can’t be good business… or can it? It can be when you’re competing in commoditized markets with entrenched players. It’s a tactic that seems to be working for BlueStar Energy Solutions, a Chicago, IL based (just a block from me) alternative energy supply company. They already serve “customers in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland and Washington D.C,” and they’re “considering expanding [their] supply services to New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine.” They’re bringing competition to all of these markets, and they’re offering a lot more than traditional utilities–great customer service, lower prices, and a much greener approach. It should be no surprise that BlueStar Energy Solutions’ revenue continues to grow rapidly.

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by on June 16, 2011

PowerReviews Logo

Yesterday we looked at a company that helps online publishers make more money from their content. Today we’re going to look at a company that helps businesses capture user-generated content and use it to drive sales of their products. It may not seem obvious, but quality content is the key to driving online product sales. Not only do you need to convince people to buy your product, but you need to show search engines that your page is the place to go for information on a given product. That’s why PowerReviews exists. They’re a San Francisco, CA based company that has “built innovative social solutions at every stage of the social commerce journey to help you connect with your customers, learn from them, and sell more.” In other words, they provide software that powers customer review sections on e-commerce websites.

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by on June 15, 2011

Outbrain Logo

When you’re in the online content business, much like any other business, your goal is to get people to consume more of what you’re producing. There are a number of reasons for that, but the biggest is that more pageviews mean more ad revenue. You obviously also want to help people solve problems, find interesting stuff, and have a reason to keep coming back to your site. That’s why Outbrain offers sites automated “related link widgets” to “increase recirculation & generate more revenue.” There’s a good chance that you’ve seen the New York, NY based company’s widgets across the web. They’re on sites like USA Today, Slate, iVillage, TMZ, Chicago Tribune, The Daily Beast, and lots of others. Honestly, I usually ignore those links, but they must get clicked on considering Outbrain has so many big name partners and $29 million in funding.

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by on June 9, 2011

VigLink Logo

One of the most effective ways to monetize a website is through affiliate marketing. The basic premise is that a site advertises a specific product or service, and gets paid based on a desired action (a purchase or sign up for example). It makes sense for advertisers because they only pay for advertising when they get exactly what they want (not just eyeballs). It makes sense for website owners, because they get rewarded for putting the right products in front of the right audiences. And it even works for web surfers, since they get to see more relevant (and less annoying) advertising.

In fact, a lot of our revenue comes from affiliate marketing. If you buy from Amazon after clicking one of our links, we get a percentage of the purchase. If you buy men’s clothing from Bonobos using my invite link (which gives you $25 off your first purchase), I get a credit in my account. If you’re interested in a career in teaching and sign up to learn more about the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education, we get a referral fee. And if you use our job search engine, we get a cut of any ad revenue generated. On some sites it causes disclosure issues, but I always try to be upfront about what relationships we have, and I only work with companies that I trust to take good care of you. I spend a lot of time finding the right affiliates for the One Day, One Internship audience, but some website owners need a simpler solution. That’s where VigLink comes in. They’re a San Francisco, CA based company that automates the process of finding and implementing affiliate marketing opportunities.

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