Internships in Marketing

Looking for more internships in Marketing? Check out the most recent internship postings in Marketing.

Below you'll find all of the companies that we've covered that may offer internships in Marketing. You can also look at entry level jobs in Marketing.


by on November 16, 2008

WTTW11 Logo

Yesterday we wrote about The Cleveland Foundation’s Internships because they asked us to (and the internships looked great). Today we’re writing about internships at WTTW11, a local PBS station in Chicago, because one of their former interns e-mailed us to let us know that he highly recommended interning with them. We’ve looked at internships at PBS and we’ve also looked at internships with American Documentary before, so today’s internships should be similar to those. That’s because WTTW11 is a major local PBS affiliate that produces a number of its own shows. They have some major projects going on, and they need lots of interns to help out. They work on both local and national productions, and both are of impressive quality. This isn’t some tiny tv station – they’re producing shows that can be seen across all PBS stations (in the past they’ve produced classics like Lamb Chop’s Play Along and The Frugal Gourmet).

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by on November 14, 2008

Wiredset Logo

Yesterday we told you you about Trendrr’s internships, and while we were researching them, we stumbled upon the fact that their parent company, Wiredset, also offers internships. We considered cramming Wiredset and Trendrr’s internships into one post, but we thought that Wiredset looked cool enough to merit its own post. Wiredset is a digital marketing agency, which means that they offer services in four areas – online marketing, web production, measurement and metrics, and strategic consulting. Considering the fact that Wiredset’s client list includes Apple, ESPN, Comedy Central, MTV, and Microsoft, they must be pretty good at what they do. I can vouch that they certainly have their finger on the pulse of the web. Wiredset’s CEO Mark Ghuneim e-mailed me 7 minutes (seriously) after I posted about Trendrr to thank me for the post. That’s awesome.

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by on November 13, 2008

Trendrr Logo

Since today is World Usability Day, maybe it would have been better if we saved Hesketh’s internships for today. I guess we jumped the gun. Maybe if we had been watching trends a little more closely, we wouldn’t have missed the announcement. Ok, so maybe Trendrr wouldn’t have told us that today is World Usability Day, but it can tell us that the Yankees are more popular than the Mets (Duh!) and that… well… I don’t know exactly what it’s telling us about the NYC Pillow Fight’s Attendees. Trendrr pulls data from 14 categories (Blogs, Facebook, Finance, Jobs, Movies, News, Real Estate, Sales, Search Results, Social Networks, Tickets, Video, Weather, and Web Stats) and numerous sources to allow you to track all kinds of trends, whether they be as ridiculous as attendees at a pillow fight or as serious as the number of Indeed job listings in your city. It’s an insanely cool tool that I’m going to start using to watch some things that I currently use RSS to track.

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Talk Inc.

by on November 10, 2008

Talk Inc Logo

Do you know how to talk? If so, then you’ll be perfect for an internship at Talk Inc.. Ok, you’re going to need to know more than just how to talk, but if you have an interest in Public Relations, Marketing, Branding, Communications, or Design and don’t want to work for some mega-firm, then an internship with Talk Inc. might be right in your wheelhouse. They’re based out of Wilmington, NC with a satellite office in Camden, SC, and they seem to do it all. They work with all kinds of clients and take on a wide range of projects, so spending some time there in the spring should keep you intellectually stimulated to say the least.

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by on November 7, 2008

Rodale Logo

Considering that college is a time when you’re supposed to be working towards having a productive adulthood, a whole lot of self-destruction seems to be going on. It must be hard for the health nuts to fit in. If you prefer 8 glasses of water a day to keg stands, celery sticks to buffalo wings, and the Nintendo Wii to the Xbox, then you’ll be a lot more comfortable in an internship at Rodale than you will be at a frat party. Rodale is a “global media company with a heritage, mission, and authority dedicated to the health and wellness of the individual, community, and planet.” They publish magazines such as Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Organic Gardening, Prevention, and Runner’s World. They’re also the largest independent book publisher in the U.S.

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Ars Nova

by on November 6, 2008

Ars Nova Logo

Figuring out what you’re going to do after school is scary. If you’re an artist (of any kind), figuring out what you’re going to after school is absolutely terrifying. Why is that? Because to be successful in the arts, you need to take risks. Nobody enjoys painters, musicians, or actors who play it safe. People want art to push their limits. Ars Nova is New York City’s “premier hub for emerging artists and new work.” They encourage young people to push the limits of art, and they do so by giving them a place to perform and by “developing and producing eclectic theater, comedy and music to feed today’s popular culture.” If you’re a performing artist, then Ars nova might be a place that you want to look at as you plan your future. If you’re not a performing artist, but love the performing arts, then you might want to consider an internship with Ars Nova.

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by on November 5, 2008

PolicyPitch Logo

Now that we have a whole new slate of elected officials, it’s time to figure out how we’re going to put them to work for us. One great idea on how to get our suggestions out (besides voting of course) is PolicyPitch, a website that lets you introduce “new ideas and policies at the neighborhood, city, and state levels.” In other words, say that you have a 4 foot deep pothole on your street that you want fixed. You can submit that idea, and other people (who presumably live on or drive on your street often) can vote your idea up. Hopefully PolicyPitch will gain enough traction that government officials will start listening and responding to these idea submissions. That’s the key to success for PolicyPitch, and that’s why they’re looking to add interns to their numbers (all 2 of them).

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The Onion

by on November 4, 2008

The Onion Logo

Happy Election Day! I’m not going to urge you to vote like most other people will, because yesterday I learned that “It’s more likely that you will be killed driving to the polling booth than it is that your vote will change the outcome.” That’d be a lot to have on my conscience, so I’m going to say vote at your own risk. If you’re upset that I’m making a mockery of the political system, then today’s company isn’t for you. That’s because we’re talking about The Onion and their internships. I can’t think of a more fitting company for election day (except for maybe Diebold, but they’re not nearly as much fun) than The Onion because politics and satire go hand in hand. Without politics satire is hamstrung, and without satire politics is utterly painful. The Onion is not only “America’s finest news source,” but also “the funniest publication in the US” according to the New Yorker.

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by on November 3, 2008


It’s been almost 9 months since we officially launched, and in that time we’ve featured quite a few internships in public relations. Many have been in-house with major brands, while others have been on the consulting/agency side. When you’re looking at in-house internships, it’s easy to find the point of differentiation – it’s all in the product or service that you’re trying to get press for; however, it’s not so easy to differentiate between internships at different PR agencies. It usually takes a little work – you need to look at client lists, case studies, and awards to get a sense of how one agency is different from another. With LEWIS PR, the point of differentiation is clear – everything about what they do is international. They have locations in Australia, Benelux, Czech Republic, France, Germany, China, India, Italy, Japan, Nordics, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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by on October 31, 2008


If you’re like Derek Zoolander and can’t turn left, then a career as a NASCAR driver probably isn’t in the cards for you; however, that doesn’t mean that you can’t work for the the country’s 2nd most popular sports league (based on television ratings). Some may debate whether NASCAR is a sport or not, but nobody can debate its popularity. It’s huge. I’ve never watched more than 5 minutes of a NASCAR race, so I’m not the guy to sell you on NASCAR, but I do know that it’s a hell of a business. The league made $3 billion in profit last year, and they apparently share some of it by paying their interns.

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Upper Playground

by on October 29, 2008

Upper Playground Logo

When I was in elementary school, we had the upper playground and the lower playground. We usually ended up playing on the upper playground, but I think that I remember that the lower playground was a lot more fun, even if it was intended for the younger kids at the school. I guess that doesn’t bode well for today’s company, since in my book Upper Playground is inferior, but we’ll give them a shot anyway. If you’re like me, and had never heard of Upper Playground until today, here’s what you need to know. Upper Playground is a “premier independent clothing brand. They have stores across the country (ok, across the West Coast and in NYC). They also have an online store. I really have no idea how to describe their style, so you’ll have to check it out for yourself.

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by on October 28, 2008

MashON Logo

You know how sometimes you know that other people will find something to be cool even though you have no idea why? Yeah, it’s called middle school (and high school, and college, and life). Today’s company, MashON, is one of those for me. I don’t really understand why MashON is a cool company, but I know that some of you will be totally into it. Since I don’t really get it, I’m going to use MashON’s own words to tell you about the MashON Platform, which is:

an interactive suite of online tools which allows users to create and share their own digital stories, e-cards, comic books and graphic novels by combining their personal photos, music, videos and narration to create their own unique personalized story. The result is a rich media, digital comic creation which can instantly be shared with friends and syndicated across the web and on their favorite social networks.

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by on October 27, 2008

Zipcar Logo

The great thing about living in downtown Chicago is that I’m constantly bombarded with new ideas for companies to feature here. In suburban Connecticut most of what I saw when I was driving around was trees. Here in Chicago there are few trees in sight, but plenty of businesses, billboards, and buses (with advertising on the side, of course). There are also plenty of taxes. Sales tax is 10.25% and the parking tax is 28%, but likely soon to be 33%. This is on top of already outrageous monthly parking fees, so it’s no wonder that there’s a Zipcar location just a hundred yards down the street from my building. Zipcars are kind of like rental cars, but better. They’re more affordable (I think, but I haven’t done the math), they’re intended for residents instead of travelers, they’re green, and you don’t need to be 25 to take them for a ride. It’s kind of like having a friend with a car except you have to pay that friend whenever you use his car.

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by on October 24, 2008

Shmoop Logo

Back when I was in high school (yes, part of that was in the 90s), I thought that I was really savvy when it came to using the Web to do better in my English classes. I found online, public-domain versions of many of the books that I was reading. The best part was that these were searchable, so if I needed to find a quote or a specific passage, all I had to do was remember a key word or two. It was fantastic. A lot has changed since then, and I don’t even know the extent of what academic resources are available online now. What I do know is that it’s not fair that today’s students have access to sites like Shmoop, when I couldn’t even dream of something like it. What is Shmoop? It’s hard for me to describe briefly, so maybe you should take the Tour de Shmoop.

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Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Logo

Newspapers are dying. If you’re a college student, there’s a good chance that the only newspaper that you ever read a physical copy of is your campus’ daily. When you graduate, you probably won’t subscribe to a newspaper. Everything is moving online, and the industry is suffering financially because of it. With all of this change, there’s also a lot of opportunity. Interning in a traditional newsroom can offer some amazing learning opportunities, but the future is working in an interactive newsroom. Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive is the digital arm of The Washington Post (and we think that it may eventually be the only arm). WPNI consists of,, Slate,, Girlfriends Getaways, Sprig, The Root, The Big Money, Loudoun, and Ad Specs and they are looking for a ridiculous number of interns.

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Island Press

by on October 11, 2008

Island Press Logo

It’s hard to find an internship when you have so many different interests. You often have to pick one area to focus on and go with it. You can’t, for example, get an internship in marketing with a focus on environmentalism in the publishing industry, can you? Actually, you can. Island Press is a non-profit publisher that prides itself on being a provider of the best new ideas in environmentalism and a trusted source for information and solutions relating to the health of our planet. Every year Island Press publishes “40 new books on such vital topics as conservation biology, marine science, land conservation, green building, sustainable agriculture, climate change, and ecological restoration.” That’s not all that they do though, Island Press’ slate of expert authors and scientists also “host conferences, teach courses, and speak in the community on relevant environmental issues.” They’re an organization that is committed to keeping the world a good place to live, and they’re doing it through one of my favorite mediums – books.

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Universal Music Group

by on October 9, 2008

Universal Music Group Logo

This is a guest post by Lauren Berger aka “The Intern Queen.”

In the music world – great labels can be few and far between – Universal Music Group remains on top. UMG (Universal Music Group) consists of: Interscope Records, A&M RecordsGeffen RecordsIsland Def Jam Music GroupLost Highway RecordsMCA NashvilleMercury RecordsMotown RecordsUniversal RecordsUniversal Records South, Verve Music GroupDecca Label Group, Universal Music Latino, Machete Music and Universal Music Enterprises. Internships at UMG are offered for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters and are only for students currently enrolled in a college/university. The subsidiaries of UMG offering internships include Interscope Geffen A&M and Island Def Jam Music Group. The Los Angeles and New York offices are still looking for fall interns for the Fall 2008 semester.

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by on October 7, 2008

Hallmark Logo

This morning I realized which company we should have featured to celebrate my birthday yesterday. Luckily, my birthday celebration is going to be a 2 week event that will culminate with our giving away an iPod Touch to one lucky reader who spreads the word about us to his or her friends. Although we announced the contest last night, we’re really kicking it off today, so I think that we should focus on my birthday again and talk about entry level jobs with Hallmark. Here’s how Hallmark describes itself:

Some companies make things. Good things, but, you know…things. Hallmark is another kind of company. We play a unique role in defining and expressing friendship and family and love – and we’ve done it for nearly 100 years.

I usually just shake a card to see if a check falls out – just kidding. I actually got a talking Hallmark card that couldn’t have been more perfect for me. My mom may have had to walk through the store opening every single card to find it, but she did. It has made me laugh over and over. You have to love Hallmark.

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Rent Marketer

by on October 6, 2008

Rent Marketer Logo

Now, I usually write themed posts for holidays, but since today is only a holiday for me and those whom I force to celebrate (it’s my birthday), I don’t have a themed post. I will, however, be announcing a contest later today where we’ll be giving away an iPod touch in celebration of my birthday. We also have another great internship opportunity for you today. Last week, a woman named Stephanie Johnson from Rent Marketer e-mailed me and told me that she had “relied on One Day, One Internship (and Job) to get ideas about what a great internship looks like.” She wanted us to share the details internships with you, and since flattery works we’re telling you about it today. Rent Marketer is in the business of helping property owners post their rentals to dozens of sites all at once. Repeatedly posting For Rent ads can be mind numbing (kind of like applying to a lot of internships), and they do it all for you in a simple and cost effective way.

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Major League Baseball

by on October 1, 2008

Major League Baseball Logo

I never thought that moving to Chicago would prolong the baseball season for me. Living in the New York City area gave me 13 straight years of October baseball, and now that I’ve left, both Shea Stadium and Yankee Stadium will remain empty for the rest of the fall before they eventually face demolition. It’s lucky for me that I’m now living in a new city that happens to have two teams that are still in it. I get a 14th straight year of local baseball in October! Playoff baseball is by far the most exciting baseball of the year, but it also means that season will soon be over. Those of you who are baseball fans know how long the winter seems when there is only hot stove chatter to keep you entertained while you wait for pitchers and catchers to report to Spring Training. Although it may seem ridiculously early, now is the time to start thinking about your Summer plans if you want to intern with Major League Baseball. It’s pretty obvious that there is a lot of demand for these internships, so you need to make sure that you’re on the ball and beat all of the deadlines.

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Fuse Marketing

by on September 25, 2008

Fuse Marketing Logo

Hopefully you haven’t aged too much during college, because your youth is going to be one of your strongest assets if you want to apply for today’s internships. Fuse Marketing is a youth marketing agency that focuses on offering Consulting, Event Marketing, Communications, and Creative services. They work to “connect brands with youth through sports, music, fashion and other relevant youth cultural interests.” They’ve worked with Eastern Mountain Sports to build a more youthful customer base and with the Association of Surfing Professionals to increase awareness of its World Championship Tour. These are just a couple of examples of how major brands trust Fuse Marketing to reach young people.

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National Society of Leadership and Success

Back in May I went to my first Cornell Entrepreneurship Network event in New York City. It was about recruiting, so it was a must attend for me. I heard some really interesting people speak, and I met quite a few people who have a strong interest in recruiting. I always questioned whether these types of events would be valuable to me, but this one certainly was. Two of the people whom I met were Christina Velderman and Gary Tuerack from the National Society of Leadership and Success, which is also known by the Greek letters Sigma Alpha Pi. Gary is the President and Founder, and Christina is in charge of Special Projects and Operations. They told me that the Society offers a wide range of internship opportunities, so I thought that it was worth sharing with you. The society “is a nationwide community that dramatically improves one’s ability to successfully attain desired outcomes.” The Society offers a speakers series in addition to a student organization / honor society.

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Rago Arts and Auction Center

by on September 18, 2008

Rago Arts and Auction Center

A week from tomorrow I will be leaving Connecticut and making a move to Chicago. First I’ll be stopping in Ithaca, NY for Cornell’s homecoming (any readers want to meet up?), but then it’s on to the Windy City. I have an apartment leased and furniture ordered. It’s a big move, and I’m really excited about it. You’ve probably envisioned your first apartment after college, and I can almost guarantee that you envision yourself buying furniture online or at a store like Crate & Barrel – just like I did. Well, doing that won’t make Miriam Tucker too happy. She’s the CEO and Partner in charge of all staff and internal business affairs at Rago Arts and Auction Center, an auction house that specializes in the sale of 20th and 21st century art and design, and she’s trying to figure out how to build a larger client base of 20 and 30 somethings. This is a challenging problem because most young people are intimidated by auctions and would never even think of them as offering a better value than a retail store. I have to admit that I’m intimidated by the idea of buying my furniture at auction, but I’d love to try it. Ms. Tucker is looking for creative ways to solve this problem, and she thinks that interns are the answer. That’s why she came to us for help finding some.

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Southwest Airlines

by on September 17, 2008

Southwest Airlines Logo

Periodically the news is riddled with stories about how the airlines are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Lately the focus of doom and gloom commentary has shifted to finance and insurance companies, but that doesn’t mean that the airlines are doing any better. There’s one company that is seemingly never in the conversation about struggling airlines – Southwest Airlines. If you’ve ever flown Southwest, you probably know why. They do things differently, and it makes flyers happy. Even though it seems like almost no one can succeed flying commercial routes, Southwest continues to impress. Air travel isn’t going anywhere – it’s too important to us, so forget about all the bad things that you hear about the airline industry, and start thinking about an internship at Southwest Airlines.

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Shape Magazine

by on September 15, 2008

Shape Magazine Logo

Apparently there’s a shortage of Fall interns. We’re two weeks into September, but there are still a lot of companies that are having trouble filling their unpaid internships. Maybe college students are finally realizing that working for free is often kind of a bad deal. Don’t get us wrong, it is getting more and more difficult to find a variety of Fall internships to write about, but we’re quite surprised to still have plenty of opportunities to cover. One opportunity that we just came across is interning with Shape Magazine in New York City. They have quite a few internships

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by on September 12, 2008

Vivaty Logo

Do you feel that your Facebook profile just isn’t a good enough representation of who you are? Does it feel a little… flat? Is AIM a bit too 2-dimensional for your socialization needs? You could always try interacting with people in real life, but if you’d prefer to stay behind the keyboard, you can look to Vivaty for a solution. Their product, called Vivaty Scenes, creates a 3D world for Facebook and AIM (with more social sites to come) in your browser. It’s kind of like The Sims meets real life. We’re sure this isn’t for everyone, but Vivaty has done some pretty cool things with technology to expand the possibilities for online communication.

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Atlantic League Logo

In the winter of 1997, my Dad and I woke up early one morning and drove into the heart of Bridgeport, a plighted inner-city if I had ever seen one. We pulled up to a job site trailer that sat where the left field home run fence would soon stand in a half-built stadium. We were given a tour of what was built and then taken inside the trailer to select our seats for the season tickets that we had pre-ordered. We picked seats directly behind the home team dugout and just about even with the pitcher’s mound, as our excitement grew for the coming of the Bridgeport Bluefish’s inaugural season. The team was a founding member of the Atlantic League, which brings baseball to fans from Maryland to Connecticut. Although the Bridgeport Bluefish don’t currently have any internships posted on the Atlantic League’s Internships site, a number of other Atlantic League teams do.

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by on August 31, 2008

StoryCorps Logo

I bet that you have some friends whom you can listen to for hours – friends who can straight up tell a story. Whenever they speak, people listen. I bet that you also have friends (or quite possibly professors) who can make any story boring, no matter how good the facts of the story actually are. Storytelling is an art, but it’s also a skill that can be learned. It’s essential to making friends, getting internships, and persuading people. Everybody loves a good storyteller, and that’s why StoryCorps, an independent non-profit, is focused on honoring and celebrating people’s lives through listening. Here’s the story on StoryCorps and their internship opportunities.

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by on August 28, 2008

Transworld Logo

Are you constantly bruised, scraped, and loaded with adrenaline? If so, it’s pretty likely that you’re a reader of one of Transworld’s magazines – Surf, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, RIDEbmx, Motocross, Quad Off-Road, or Business when you’re taking some time to heal up before your next extreme adventure. Transworld has readership of over 4 million across these titles, which is surprising since you’d think most action sports enthusiasts would be too busy trying to break their next bone to sit down and read a magazine. With 7 great titles and a strong online presence, Transworld is a major player in extreme sports media. They don’t have a unified internship program, but we’ve done some research to try to identify what kind of internships you might be able to snag with each of their magazines.

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